ISIS Funding: Our Tax Dollars at Work (ADDED bonus ANALYSIS by Team Blood)

by Gary North on February 21, 2015

Follow the money.
Then follow the weapons.
Then follow the mainstream media, which do not follow either the money or the weapons.
The last 2 minutes get to the point: a retired NATO commander speaks out. But to appreciate this, view the first 19 minutes. (TIP OF THE ICEBERG!!)
Over a million people have seen this video. You should, too.


After you see the video, you still may not believe it. “It just can’t be true!” At that point, click the link to Seymour Hirsch’s article. Hirsch is arguably the most distinguished American journalist-investigator in the field of foreign policy. He is relentless. He has the goods on Benghazi — what was really going on, by way of Turkey. He followed the weapons. Please forward this to “friendlies.”
Facebook would not hurt.
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in light of the recent (and growing) ISIS activity in Libya. Get ready to see more action in Libya…

Did you know Libya and Egypt are not allowed to defend themselves against ISIS? A UN arms embargo imposed during the Ghadaffi and Mubarak coups does not allow them to do that (makes me wonder why those two guys were suddenly taken out at the same time… to eventually bring ISIS to North Africa?). Yesterday, The Qataris recalled the ambassador from Egypt, protesting the recent air strikes on their ISIS puppets in Eastern Libya. Egypt ‘violated the UN arms embargo’ by striking ISIS. And Qatar was very, very upset about it… hmm.

Also, Egypt and Libya asked the UN to lift the embargo so they can defend themselves against ISIS, even using an ‘international coalition’ and the Brits (members of the UN security council) said no…. wow. On one side, they are arming ISIS in Syria and Iraq, but then they tie up Egypt and Libya’s hands so ISIS can grow in North Africa… yet another red flag indicating that this whole ISIS thing is a NATO/UN operation.

By the way, the ISIS bombing today in East Libya was retaliation (probably ordered by Qatar and/or NATO as a black op). They probably killed the Egyptian intelligence assets on the ground that provided the location of the ISIS targets to the fighter jets. This is a total betrayal by NATO!! The reason for this is because they want the ISIS presence to grow in Libya so they can scare the shit out of the EU. Watch for CNN reports that say ‘ISIS within miles from Europe.’

The next incremental step is a beefing up of NATO in the Mediterranean Sea (just like Denmark and Sweden are doing in the north). Italy may be lured into Libya (they always wanted to do that since the times of Mussolini, but the Libyans have always kicked their ass). I’ve been monitoring the Italian newspapers and they are ready to go and invade Libya. Everything is in place. Watch for a false flag attack in Italy, possibly a big city where there’s a high concentration of Muslim population. ISIS said they were going to ‘take Rome’ during the alleged 40-men-beheading video.

Also, France may tighten its grip on Algeria later on but I think that will come later… right now, the globalists are getting ready to hit Libya the same way they are hitting Iraq right now.

