Setting the Record Straight - Omar Al Hassi is a Terrorist

TweetThe ramblings of the mass media outlets about what is happening in Libya are just that - ramblings. The shades of gray that are put out as reality are meant to do nothing but confuse the world about the real truth of what has happened to and in Libya.
Lets start at the beginning, Libya did NOT have a revolution, it was a false flag operation set up by the US CIA to overthrow the stable Libyan government and to assassinate Moammer Ghadafi. In order to overthrow Libya the CIA had to enlist Libyans that were against the Ghadafi government. These Libyans were in the great MINORITY, perhaps 5% of the population at the most. Most of these Libyans were living in exile because they were radical Islamists and the Ghadafi government did not allow radical Islamists in Libya.
The truth is that Ghadafi had stepped down from power as was required by the US in the treaty that was signed in 2006 with Condoleeza Rice.
The Libyan people considered Ghadafi their "Brother Leader", they had great respect and love for this man, which by the way is their RIGHT. In January 2011, the US Department of Defense proclaimed Ghadafi as their best ally in the war against terror. By a huge majority, some 90%+, the Libyan people are moderate Muslims, they do not like or respect radical Islamists and they would tell you that these people are rubbish and that they are not Muslims.
In order to break Libya, the CIA had to enlist huge numbers of mercenaries because they found few Libyans inside Libya who would join the fight to overthrow the government that was giving them a good life. The Libyans had free medical, free education, 44 cents a gallon gas, $47,000 gift upon marriage, $5000 gift for each child born, a new condo for 10% of your salary (after 20 years it was yours), store houses of free food if you were hungry or poor, women were free and were emancipated by Ghadafi in the 1970's, Libya was the most progressive Islamic country in the world.
So, the CIA, joined hands with those Libyans that were radical Islamists and who wanted to turn Libyan into a Sharia state. Of course there were not enough radical Libyans to overthrow 90% of Libya so the CIA began to filter in hundreds of thousands of psychopathic Islamic terrorist paid mercenaries from all over the world. Many of these terrorists had been fighting American soldiers in Afghanistan one day and the next day they were being armed, funded and trained by the CIA and their black water mercenaries to help destroy the sovereign nation of Libya. Chris Stevens (x CIA) the now dead Ambassador to Libya was the chief gun runner to the Al Qaeda "so called" rebel mercenaries. Early in the NATO war, Obama signed an order sending the CIA into Libya to aid the "so called rebels". It was not a secret to anyone that these rebels were radical Islamic jihadist mercenaries from all over the world. Early in 2011, Ghadafi stated that it was Al Qaeda that was infiltrating Libya fighting with the support of NATO and the US, it was public knowledge. But that did not stop Obama.
The rest is history, but suffice it to say, everything you read about Libya and Ghadafi was a lie intended to allow Clinton and Obama to blow up Libya, her people and assassinate their leader.
What is happening in Libya today? Well, lets start by saying that after NATO flew some 60,000 sorties, using depleted uranium and FAE (fuel air explosives), violating every international rule of engagement for war; Libya is in shambles, a failed state with over a trillion dollars worth of infrastructure destroyed. Obama brags about only spending 1 billion to blow up Libya, but the real cost is over many billions and that came out of the Libyan coffers that were in the FED bank accounts and were stolen from Libya. Of the 6.5 million total population before NATO, 500,000 were killed, over 2 million live in exile, 1 million are homeless, 2 million live in terror with no hope and 40,000 are illegally imprisoned with thousands already tortured to death. There is no rule of law now in Libya.
NATO and the US left behind all the radical Islamic psychopaths and had them set up a puppet government that represented about 5% of the Libyans. This government was not a democracy; it created no security and used armed gangs, now referred to as militias, to control and kill. This government stole Libya blind and left her people suffering. This my friends was the GNC - the General National Congress, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton's creation, made up of Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Ansar Al Sharia, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and any other fringe radical group made up of psychopathic terrorists.
As usual with these kind of vermin, they began to fight amongst themselves, they all wanted power, they all wanted control. In the end, they could not agree on anything and could not write a constitution as was a requirement by the west for their government. The GNC was formally disbanded in February of 2014 but stayed on temporarily until the election which took place in June of 2014. No matter how much these criminals threatened the Libyan people at gun point, those that could vote did and much to their anger, the radical Muslim Brotherhood and others were voted out of office. Of course the ploy that the GNC was for democracy was a lie and they were not about to stand for the Libyan people to have a voice or lose any of their power. As soon as the legitimately elected people came to Tripoli to be sworn in to the government they were all threatened at gun point, some of their homes were burned, families were kidnapped, etc. Consequently, these duly elected Libyans had to set up a new government in Tobruk, it was either that or die trying in Tripoli.
The world now, including the UN and the US have formally recognized the House of Representatives in Tobruk as the legitimate government in Libya. But that is not the end of the story.
The sorry pieces of trash in Tripoli refuse to leave and give Libya to the Libyan people. They maintain their control over Tripoli by force of terror. The world that was full of cries for the innocent Libyans under Ghadafi watches this horror in deafening silence. Even worse, the UN acts like they there are (2) governments that must meet and discuss reconciliation. Why should the Libyans who have suffered greatly under the hands of these tyrants ever negotiate with them? The Libyans will never ever allow this kind of trash to stay in their country and any person who has ever met a real Libyan would know that fact. Even still the US Ambassador to Libya, Deborah Jones, continues her support of the GNC and Misurata (home of Terrorist gangs known as Libya Dawn). The Great tribes of Libya will not meet with her because she is openly supporting the terrorism in their country. How is it that the US, who claims to promote democracy, refuses to accept the democratically elected government in Tobruk, all the while continuing to support and have dialogue with the non existent government of the GNC made up of radical Islamists that are hated by all the Libyan people?
Even worse the old puppet GNC is led by a man named Omar Al Hassi , himself a world renowned criminal terrorist. (see his photo below)
Omar Al Hassi along with Abdulhakem Belhaj, another "world renowned" terrorist and Al Qaeda leader, were the founders of the Islamic Resistance Movement, better known as H.M.S. or HAMAS. This man Al Hassi is a known terrorist and yet the UN and the US continue to speak with him like he deserves some kind of respect. This is the exact reason Libya is not stable and the huge majority of her people are in exile.
The shocking truth is that Obama supports this radical GNC gang and has offered them recognition as the legitimate government in Libya if they will take over the oil fields. To that end, the US is continuing to arm these radicals in Libya quietly in the background. The UN has an embargo against arms into Libya and yet the US willfully looks the other way while Qatar and Turkey fly in arms and mercenaries to the radical Islamists every week.
The legitimate Libyan army that is fighting to cleanse these radical Islamist gangs from their country is openly embargoed from receiving any aid or help from countries willing to step up and help stop the flow of these radical psychopaths. These countries know that Libya has training camps set up by the CIA to train ISIS and other radical groups. They know the good people of Libya need help to put an end to the radical rats nest now festering in Libya. This mess is effecting the entire world, it seems only Obama, Turkey and Qatar are supporting these illegal activities in Libya.
Is it any wonder why Libya is upside down?
The sad truth is that this is the way Obama and Clinton want Libya, they do not care a wig about the Libyan people, they care that Libya has huge resources and is the gateway to Africa, the 128+ mass graves now in Libya make no difference to them - it is just acceptable collateral damage.
Obama and his minions will learn that the Libyan people will never accept mercenaries and radical Islamic rubbish to rule their country, they will fight and they will win in the end. The fallacy of the Zionists criminals is that they do not understand an 8000 year old tribal system and the strength it infuses in its people. There are many countries in this world who are willing to step up and help Libya, many of them are her neighbors, they know the facts and their time of hiding in the shadows is coming to an end.
Tags: LibyaNatoHassiIslamists