Land Destroyer Changing Hands

Land Destroyer started out as a desperate cry to raise awareness of the methods and madness behind the so-called "color revolutions." It has branched out into many directions and has covered a lot of ground since 2011. Now, in mid-2013, there are many talented analysts who have stepped forward to expose not only the contrived "revolutions" of Western imperialism, but the faces and interests behind them as well. The tides have turned against these machinations, with the legitimacy, capabilities, and capacity of the corporate-financier elite crumbling. Since 2011, I have been writing prolifically, and have had little time to pursue the many pragmatic, local solutions I advocate. I am now handing over the Land Destroyer Report to two of my respected colleagues, Eric Draitser and Nile Bowie, and shall focus entirely on these solutions.I sincerely thank the millions of readers who have visited my site, and the many people who have supported me along the way.-Tony Cartalucci