Khalifa Haftar, CIA Operative, Attempts to Control Libya

TweetThere is no amount of scrub cleaner that you can apply to Khalifa Haftar to remove the stink of the CIA. Haftar is and always will be an underhanded, lying, traitor and operative of the US CIA.
Let's go back to a bit of history and shove the light of truth on this wolf-in-sheeps-clothing attempting to trick the world via false media that he is somehow the savior of Libya. Khalifa Haftar was involved in the Chad wars with Libya that started in the 1970's. He switched sides and began to work against Libya (have been recruited by the CIA) and was granted a safe haven in Chad - he could not return to Libya because they knew he was traitor. Sometime later, the government changed in Chad and the new government was pro Ghadafi so Haftar found himself in quite a mess and because he was a CIA asset they was moved into the USA near Langley, VA (Headquarters of the CIA). Libya tried and convicted him in absentia of traitorous acts and sentenced him to death. During his 30+ years living outside Libya, working with the CIA against his country and their leader, he attempted a number of failed coups to overthrow Ghadafi. When the "false flag" phoney revolution was started by the CIA in 2011, Haftar was first to raise his hand to fight his own countrymen. During the first couple of week of the phoney revolution, Haftar was dropped into Libya by the CIA as the so called "leader of the rebel army". But, as we all know the rebel army was made up of 250,000 foreign Islamic radical mercenaries, who along with the 60,000 illegal bombing raids by NATO, destroyed the sovereign nation of Libya, stole it blind, killed 600,000 innocents, sent over 2 million in exile and took over the government by force making Libya a failed state.
So in February of this year, Haftar and his CIA cronies begin to see that their coup was not holding. The Great Tribes of Libya and all the Libyan people were forming a strong resistance and plan to take back their country from these psychopathic Islamic extremists. The country of Libya cannot be held by force, the people will not stand for it. There is suffering all over Libya, armed gangs roam the streets of a once safe and peaceful country. There was an election in June that effectively threw out the entire cabal of Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Ansar Al Sharia from the government. The Muslim Brotherhood did not accept the result (as they never once planned for a democracy) and began to blow up Tripoli beginning with the international airport. Haftar and the CIA seeing their opportunity to be "saviors" and take full control of Libya with the "tricked" support of the people started Operation Dignity. This is all smoke and mirrors - Haftar is fighting to rid the country of Islamists that he himself installed in Libya. Also, it should be noted that this great man leading "operation dignity" has a son that was shot stealing 1. 3 million Libyan dinars from a Tripoli bank. No one knows what happened to the money and his son escaped and lives abroad.
The Great tribes of Libya are NOT with Haftar, the national army of Libya is NOT with Haftar, the Libyan people are not with Haftar. No matter what you read in the CIA controlled western media, Haftar is not and never will be accepted in any form of leadership in Libya. His small band of fighters take on small area by themselves. Haftar is literally fighting his own little CIA war. The tribes and the army leave him alone as he and his Islamists friends are killing each other much to the tribes and armies advantage. The CIA will not be satisfied however and they continue their dirty little game but the Libyans will not be fooled this time!
The plan is to put Haftar in control of Libya via any means possible but make him appear to be fighting the bad guys and saving Libya. This is a kin to the fox pretending to fight other foxes to save the chickens so he can take control of the hen house. This is a ruse, the Libyans are not fooled , the Great tribes are not fooled, the Parliament is not fooled and the national army is not fooled.
The only fool is Khalifa Haftar
Tags: HaftarCIALibya