Interview w/ Sargon Of Akkad on #GamerGate

Everything you always wanted to know about #GamerGate* (but were afraid to ask!) Sargon Of Akkad joins Media Monarchy to give his take on the play control of one of the most popular games around: Divide and conquer! It's video games, sexism, corruption, coins and more on our first look at GamerGate!Download/SubscribeThe Zoe PostAugust 16 2014's previous coverage of Zoe Quinn March 31 2014 was a beta-tester in the credits of Depression QuestOctober 22 2014 also promoted his friend and developer Robin Arnott Rackeetering for a game called FezSeptember 7 2014 Bain (TotalBiscuit) discusses Ethics with Kotaku Editor in Chief Stephen Totilo Hernandez of Kotaku promotes friends support 27th 2014 are DeadAugust 28th Journo ProsSeptember 17 2014 Fest Proximity - Alex Lifschitz