Video game "Assassin’s Creed Unity” angers French Leftists

How do you define a Liberator?Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a "firebrand" left-wing politician and onetime presidential contender in France, told "France Info" radio that a video game which has sold 80 million copies, Assassin’s Creed Unity, denigrated the French revolutionary Maximilian Robespierre as a “monster,” while ignoring his role as a “liberator” in leading a movement that gave Judaic persons the right to vote and tried to do the same for women.In truth, Robespierre was a terrorist who guillotined anyone who crossed him. Toward the end of his rule that included his own comrades, until he was stopped by a Thermidorian reaction and beheaded, like his many victims.No matter how many innocents he killed however, (including thousands of Catholics in the Vendée), French Leftist Mélenchon believes that the fact that Robespierre gave Judaic persons the right to vote makes this mass murderer a "liberator."________________