Pentagon Reviews Nuclear Global Strike Force Capabilities

U.S. Air Force
November 14, 2014
DOD, Air Force nuclear force reviews consistent with force improvement efforts
WASHINGTON: The Secretary of Defense announced the results of the Nuclear Enterprise Review during a press briefing at the Pentagon, Nov. 14.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, who ordered the comprehensive reviews of the entire nuclear enterprise earlier this year, said the reviews found systemic problems based on a lack of focus and resources.
“America’s nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure and effective,” Hagel assured, stating the DOD has been taking action on the challenges over the past several months. “The nuclear mission plays a critical role in ensuring the nation’s safety. No other enterprise we have is more important.”
The findings and recommendations from that review are consistent with the actions the Air Force and Air Force Global Strike Command are, and have been taking to improve its nuclear enterprise.

In May, Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James announced 100 percent manning for eight critical nuclear specialties by skill and location; assignment incentive pay and special duty assignment pay for select total-force nuclear career fields, approval of the Nuclear Deterrence Operations Service Medal, and has proposed elevating the AFGSC commander from a three-star to a four-star position and elevating the assistant chief of staff for strategic deterrence and nuclear integration to a three-star position.

(Information courtesy of Air Force Public Affairs Agency Operating Location – P)
