PBC News & Comment: Pennsylvania Shreds First Amendment in Effort to Silence Mumia Abu-Jamal

Pennsylvania shreds First Amendment with new law aimed at silencing Mumia Abu-Jamal; hear Mumia’s reaction and comments from Noelle Hanrahan
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–desperate Pennsylvania governor signs obviously unconstitutional law to arbitrarily silence Mumia Abu-Jamal; sing the protest petition here.
–Canadian PM Harper calls for new surveillance laws in Canada in reaction to attack in Ottawa
–new study says conspiracy theorists more sane than those who reject the theories and theorists
–former NSA boss Alexander cancels contract with top spook who still works there, as The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf calls for corruption probe
–Russian prisoner held in secret prison at Bagram will be brought to US for trial
–US says it will take months to mount full Iraqi response to IS
–new tactic in Hong Kong: protesters run straw poll
–battle over tar sands bomb trains reaches Bay Area
–Ron and Nancy Reagan’s astrologer, Joan Quigley, dies