NATO Liaison Office, Member State Attaches Meet With Georgian Military

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
October 10, 2014
Meeting with defence attaches

Today, Director of LEPL Cyber Security Bureau of Ministry of Defence of Georgia Andria Gotsiridze hosted defence attaches of foreign countries accredited in Georgia. The representatives of NATO Liaison Office in Georgia attended the meeting.
Chief of the Bureau Projects Management Division Tamar Gamkhrelidze delivered the presentation about the Bureaus` functions and objectives. The need of developing cyber security capabilities in Georgia and sharing foreign experience in this direction were focused during the meeting.
The meeting went on in an interactive format. Leaders of the Bureau answered the attaches` questions and listened to their recommendations. The sides expressed desire of close cooperation in the cyber security sector.
The fight against cyber security threats is a critical challenge for the modern world. The cyber security thematic became actual in Georgia after the cyber attack carried out against Georgia in August 2008.
