Hong Kong Protests: Water, food, masks & medical supplies materialize


"Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong have been receiving donations of food, water, masks and other medical supplies as they continue their demonstration that has brought large parts of the territory to a standstill"

"The supplies have been set out in an exceptionally organised way. There are even buckets with water-soaked paper towels in them, in case the authorities start to use tear gas and pepper spray again."

That's the entire BBC article- Those two quoted paragraphs From who or where are these donations originating? It's not mentioned. All those goods cost money?Wasn't the BBC reporter the least bit curious? Or are we supposed to believe/assume this support is coming from others within Hong Kong, hence the lack of detail?Is that the idea the BBC is trying to implant in your mind? I suspect that's the idea BBC is hoping to give you as you read that story.  But then I recall images such as this-U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland offers food to pro-European Union activists as she and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt (R), walk through Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine.And have a pretty good idea that the magically appearing supplies in Hong Kong were put there by some NoGoodOrganization, at the behest of the US, through any number of it's grasping tentacles.And, the appearance of the supplies don't have a single thing to do with any broader support from within the general populace
