Kelly Westlund Cheddar Bomb… Today

Blue-America endorsed candidate Kelly Westlund (WI-07) is running for the massive 72-county swing district seat in the northern, ventral an western part of Wisconsin. Sean Duffy, a sad Paul Ryan stooge, currently occupies the seat, although Obama won it 53-45% in 2008 and lost narrowly in 2012, 51-48%. The district was represented for over 40 years years by Dave Obey, who has endorsed Kelly: "I’ve won 25 elections in Northern Wisconsin, so I know what it takes to win up here. You have to stand up for people who are struggling to make ends meet. You have to tell the truth, even when powerful interests oppose you. And you must demonstrate to voters that you have passion and strong beliefs, ones that cannot be bought off by corporate lobbyists. Kelly Westlund shows these qualities every day. While incumbent Republican Sean Duffy opposes raising the minimum wage and complains about how hard it is to make ends meet on a $174,000 congressional salary, Kelly Westlund thinks hard-working Wisconsinites deserve a raise. She’s smart, she’s fearless, and she’s a fighter."That's why we endorsed her and that's why we're asking you to contribute to her Cheddar Bomb today. Twelve days ago, Wisconsin Republicans controlling all aspects of state government announced they are now requiring voter identification. It put a few things in perspective for Digby, John and myself. Right-wing politicians like Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Paul Ryan and Sean Duffy are cut from the same gray flannel: anti-union, anti-women, anti-minimum wage, beloved by the Tea Party and the Koch brothers. It’s simple. If they win, we all lose. Kelly Westlund and other Wisconsin progressives are leading the charge for a higher minimum wage, equal pay for equal work, and workers’ rights. It’s simple. If progressives win, we will change the course of politics in Wisconsin, and the nation.Bernie Sanders (I-VT) noticed how important this race is as well: "At a  time when so many working families are struggling with a difficult economy, Kelly Westlund is the right person to help get our economy on track. Her experience helping local communities develop good jobs is exactly the kind of common sense values we need to bring to Washington. I'm proud to endorse Kelly for the U.S. Congress."And closer to home, Phil Neuenfeldt, President Wisconsin AFL-CIO, also jumped into the battle a few weeks ago. "We are proud to support Kelly Westlund for Congress," he said on behalf of Wisconsin working families. "Northern Wisconsin needs someone like Kelly who is ready to support the rights of working people on the job, fight for a living wage and take on the special interests in Washington. We know Kelly will work hard every day for working people and middle-class Wisconsinites. Kelly’s commitment to community and improving economic opportunity proves she is the best choice for Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District."It probably won't surprise any DWT readers to know that Steve Israel has forbade the DCCC to assist Kelly. It may be a swing district but he's wasting most DCCC money on Blue Dogs and New Dems in much redder districts where they have no chance to win. Kelly does have a chance to win-- despite Israel's venal incompetence. Please consider helping her today here. She's asking for $7 contributions. Since August, Kelly's campaign has called 45,000 voters, knocked on 10,000 doors, and established 11 field offices. WI-07 is a battleground district between Scott Walker and Mary Burke. Helping Kelly's get out the vote effort today, is going to help guarantee the fate Walker has earned over the last 4 years.