US Special Ops meet 'refugees' on alleged beseiged mountain- Updated!

Last post for today! Still looking for some serious thoughts on this post.. feel free to share'm1- Air Corridors & Bogus Humanitariansim as cover for wider war in the Middle East?And give a listen to-2- James Corbett: The Ebola EffectMaking plans? - Briefing the troops? If you haven’t figured it out already, no, I do not believe there are refugees in those mountains. It  makes much more sense that the only people really there are NATO’s Islamist fighters- And Special Ops dropping on in just makes that truth all the more clear.

Japan Today
A U.S. military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP that the special forces soldiers had returned safely to base. “They had contacts with the refugees. They went back to Arbil,” he said.

The US Special Forces personnel have left the Sinjar Mountains and are back in Irbil tonight, according to a Pentagon statement.    Today a team of fewer than twenty personnel ? conducted an assessment of the situation on Mt. Sinjar. All personnel have returned safely to Irbil by military air.– US Defense Department


The White House deputy national security advisor, Benjamin Rhodes, said Wednesday that 130 U.S. military personnel deployed to northern Iraq would assess all options including creating security corridor and airlift operationReiterating that the U.S. ground troops would not take a combat role in Iraq, Rhodes said Obama was open to all recomendations to facilitate the removal of Ezidis from the mountain in a humanitarian mission.

No ground troops eh? Of course, just a humanitarian role. ;)

Plans for evacuating the thousands of Yazidis by land could require the administration to send in forces as an escort.“[The president] is open to recommendations in which the United States is helping to facilitate the removal of these people from the mountain,” said deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes

NO ground troops, except forces might be needed for reasons of humanitarianism? Of courseCan you see where this narrative is heading?UPDATE h/t to anonymous commenter 

AnonymousAugust 14, 2014 at 5:54 AM Rescue mission for Yazidis on Iraq’s Mount Sinjar appears unnecessary, Pentagon says…

 WaPoMy response expanded a bit PennyAugust 14, 2014 at 6:09 AMthanks for the update regarding the Yazidi brand of Kurds

from WaPothe whole non necessity for rescue seems to stem from how the Iraqi government shakedown goes.quoting:'“There are far fewer” refugees left at the northern Iraq location"That was obvious. Far fewer? So from how many to how many?no answerIMO there were none and there still are none- of course there are always the few arabic looking types around for photo op purposes.

I bet some readers thought I was being cruel, how could I not believe the narrative as put forth?All these victims.... The story didn't make sense, from the beginning and it just kept getting more absurd as it progressed.then this bit- all dependent on how the new compliant government works out

The Obama administration had been weighing the use of U.S. ground forces and aircraft to mount an emergency rescue That strategy depends on the formation of a new Iraqi government If the agenda is to save beleaguered persons under siege from 'terrorists'what does the formation of a new government have to do with it? 

The obvious answer is nothing-

what a scam!

So the question that begs asking is who is receiving all those 'humanitarian drops'? That appear to be still ongoing. The answer is...............from yesterday's post

Therefore ISIS must remain in the mountainous region of Sinjar- receiving the humanitarian aid, so called, from the NATO nations.

 Sometime today I am going to do some homework on what lies beyond the Sinjar mountains on the Syrian side- Should be interesting!  
