Breaking News- Kiev claims Sukhoi's downed by Russia!

UPDATED! SCROLL DOWN! Hot on the heels of the US admission of zero evidence

The US backs off it's false flag! "No direct link to Russia in downing of MH17

 Kiev this morning (EST) claimed two Sukhois were shot down

Two Ukraine Sukhois downed? Ukrainian Mop up or Seperatist take down? 

Early stories concerning the Sukhois are linked in that post

 Including this strange admission?

"Ukraine’s defense ministry reported Wednesday that two Ukrainian fighter jets had been shot down in eastern Ukraine. The White House has not confirmed the attacks."

And my comment?  Does Ukraine need White house confirmation to make their claims real?Now, yet another twist in this psyop!Chicago Tribune KIEV—

Ukraine's Security Council said on Wednesday preliminary information indicated that missiles which brought down two government fighter jets over eastern Ukraine were fired from Russia.

"Two of our jets were hit at an altitude of 5,200 meters. According to preliminary information, the missiles were launched from the territory of the Russian Federation," the council said in a statement

A far lower altitude then MH-17 which was NOT shot down by separatists. No even accidentallyLie, lie and lie again.

A spokesman for Ukraine's military operations said the planes were downed near Savur Mogila, a burial mound in the Shaktersky region where a memorial marks ambushes by the Soviet army on occupying Nazis during World War II.

"They were downed not by terrorists," said Andriy Lysenko, spokesman for the National Security and Defense Council, using the government's term for the separatists.

There was no immediate response from Russian officials.

 As reported in the earlier post- Is it true? Is it more fabrications?

 Igor Strelkov, who is now in charge of the rebel ranks in the eastern city of Donetsk, said the separatists had brought down one plane and that the pilot had ejected. He gave no further details.

Air India flight was 90 seconds behind MH-17?

MUMBAI: The ministry of civil aviation's claim that there was no Air India flight near the ill-fated Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777.

Minutes before the crash caused by a missile strike, the AI pilots had also heard the controller give the Malaysian aircraft MH17 what is called "a direct routing". This permits an aircraft to fly straight, instead of tracking the regular route which is generally a zig-zag track that goes from one ground-based navigation aid or way point to another.

 Soon after the tragedy, the media picked up data from flightradar24, a live flight tracker website which showed the AI aircraft in the vicinity. But the next day, on Friday, the civil aviation ministry issued a statement that "there was no Air India flight near the ill-fated Malaysian plane at the time of the incident".

Also h/t  No More MythsJuly 23, 2014 at 9:02 AMSlightly off topic but relevant:Obama orders Pentagon advisers to Ukraine to fend off Putin-backed rebelsU.S. to help Kiev bolster military as pressure mounts on Vladimir PutinTuesday, July 22, 2014… doesn't bode well.

It definitely appears the US is upping the ante!

 Within the next few weeks, a group of Defense Department representatives who specialize in strategy and policy will head to Kiev to evaluate specific programs that the United States may want to help bolster, said Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman.

 Their objective is to work with Ukrainians to “shape and establish an enduring program for future U.S. efforts to support the Ukrainian military through subject-matter expert teams and long-term advisers,” he said.

 H/T anonymous commenter- Seven Allies Establish NATO's Strategic Communications Center
