Vaccine researcher charged with felony crimes for research fraud over faked AIDS vaccine tests

Vaccine researcher charged with felony crimes for research fraud –May spend 20 years in prison over faked AIDS vaccine
25 Jun 2014 Scientific fraud is so common in the vaccine industry, it’s practically the default business model. The truth is that most vaccines don’t work, so in order to make them appear to work, researchers routinely spike blood samples of vaccinated test subjects with antibodies, making it appear the vaccine caused the body to produce those antibodies. This is exactly what Merck does with MMR vaccines, according to the company’s own former virologists who filed a False Claims Act with the federal government. It’s also why up to 97% of children who contract measles or mumps were already vaccinated against measles and mumps.

UW-Madison pandemic flu viruses ‘could escape from lab,’ biosafety panelist says
29 Jun 2014 UW-Madison scientist Yoshihiro Kawaoka says he’s creating potentially deadly flu viruses to help prevent a pandemic, but a campus biosafety panel member says the research could cause more harm than good because the viruses could escape from the lab. “You’re increasing the probability of having a pandemic rather than decreasing the probability,” said Tom Jeffries, a member of the university’s Institutional Biosafety Committee, which reviews sensitive research…After Kawaoka reported this month that he used genes from several bird flu viruses to construct a virus similar to the 1918 pandemic flu virus that killed up to 50 million people worldwide, British and French scientists called the research “absolutely crazy” and “madness, folly.”

