Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 29th, 2014

Yes, it is Sunday again, and as usual I am presenting my weekly rant of what I see is really happening in the world around us.  It has been a very interesting week indeed, so lets get down to it...First, I am very happy that my son has finished High School here in Canada and graduated with honors last Thursday.... He has not decided yet what to do about his future and/or his future education, but he is definitely not set on going to any University... He fully understands that a University/College diploma is no longer a guarantee of employment, and instead is wanting to explore several options in trade schools... I honestly have told him that he is making the right choice, knowing full well about the College scam that will only lead to a possible future of crushing debt and no guaranteed work.....Now onto what I see has been REALLY happening in the world around us, and of course I have to start with the so called "ISIS" crisis in Iraq.   Honestly, I am disturbed that few people have used common sense and have come to the same conclusion that I had immediately after this so called ISIS "terrorist" group started their march through northern Iraq.... It is a sham and a carefully conceived plan by both the US and the criminal state of Israel for the breakup of Iraq itself.... Lets look at the facts here in some detail:1. People must remember the 1980's think tank paper called "Securing The Realm" that laid out in great detail for how the criminal state of Israel was to maintain its superiority over all of its Arab neighbors for the foreseeable future.  That document laid out clearly how the Israelis were to foment unrest in all their neighboring nations, including Iraq, and how they were to undermine each nation, create unrest, and basically see that each of their neighbors break up into smaller feifdoms along tribal and religious lines... We see that effort taking place right now in Iraq where tribal and religious warfare between Sunni and Shiite religious and tribal groups is tearing the nation apart, and we may yet see Iraq break up into at least 3 separate and weaker nations, which is exactly what the Israelis have long diabolically planned...2. This so called ISIS group is as phoney as other previous "evil terrorist" groups such as "Al Qaeda" before it... Even the choice of the moniker "ISIS" itself should have had alarm bells going off with everyone with critical thinking... The name choice and the fraud of the whole group to start with is actually so bad it is almost laughable.  And yet people everywhere again fall for this through their gullibility!3. We find clear evidence that the US (and Israel) have not only formed this group, but they have been financing, training, and supplying all of its weapons.... We already have seen how this group was trained by US covert forces in Jordan before being unleashed into Syria to do as much damage against Assad's government forces there... We also see how this group is fully armed with American weaponry.  The so called "captured" humvees and other weapons are not "captured" at all but have been blatantly supplied to this group by their US masters...4. This group conveniently began in northern Syria and has now moved into Iraq.  This movement alone can give the US their much needed "excuse" to attack Syria itself and finally have their excuse for open warfare with the Syrian government itself in their long sought desire to have Syria conquered and destroyed....5.  This group moved thousands of armed forces in a convoy from Syria to Iraq and the US with its most sophisticated network of spy satellites never even noticed this movement?  Are people truly this gullible?  This alone points to the fact that this group is doing the US and Israeli bidding and that movement was not only planned but orchestrated by the US itself...6. There is still the puzzle as to what exactly the US is looking for by Iran's involvement in this Iraqi conflict.  Luckily the Iranians have not fallen for any trap laid out by the criminals in the US and Israel and has not committed its fully army to assisting the beleaguered government in Iraq itself.  That assistance may be somehow used by the sick twisted criminals in the US and Israel as their long sought excuse to attack Iran.The bottom line to this ISIS crisis is that it has long been planned and carefully conceived by the US and Israel.   They are definitely having this group foment war between rival Sunni and Shiite Muslim groups in the hope that it tears Iraq apart.... The Jews in Israel, I can guarantee, also are very pleased that thousands of innocent Arab civilians are being killed along the way.....Besides this continuing "crisis" in Iraq, we still have the US puppet regime in Ukraine openly murdering civilians in eastern Ukraine.    And we have reports coming out over the last two weeks about the Ukrainian military using weapons such as white Phosphorus and Incendiary bombs on civilian populations in eastern Ukrainian cities.... That alone is a war crime, and I am at a loss as to why the United Nations itself has not launched a major inquiry into these attacks... But we know by now that the UN itself will not step in due to its Jewish and US control, and of course the world's Jew spew media attention is firmly focused on the other crisis in Iraq for the moment..And while the world's attention is focused on the "crisis" in Iraq by the liars in the Jew spew media, we have the continuing saga of the 3 "kidnapped" Israelis in Israel.... I have already said in my previous rant that there was no kidnapping at all, and that this has been another of the lies put out by the criminal Israeli government as another excuse to have Palestine brutalized.   The evidence is clear when we watch the Israeli IDF forces continue their onslaught against the Palestinian people and more destruction of Palestinian infrastructure.   I do wonder if this phoney "kidnapping" crisis continues the criminal Israeli government may finally go for broke and annex all of Palestine outright.    That may soon happen, and that will indeed spell the end of any chance for a Palestinian state which is exactly what Israel has always sought.  Again as before I wish that people would wake the hell up and understand fully that the twisted Jewish mindset has always been for Palestine for themselves and not for anyone else..... There is absolutely no other choice for the Palestinian people than to fight back against these criminals.  It is either fight or die, and given those choices, again I know exactly what I would choose in a heartbeat...I am concerned about the ignorance of the American people about exactly what has been happening along their southern border with Mexico right now... We have seen over the last few weeks as hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, mostly children, have been flooding the border states of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas, and that the US government is doing not only nothing to stop them, but has had the gall to actually transport these illegals to other parts of the United States itself!   I need to ask the questions then:  Is this not an illegal and immoral act by the US Government itself?  And if so, then WHY the hell have the American people gone ballistic and called for the resignation of the entire US Federal government itself for this diabolical act?   But all we have is strange silence by both the US government and, no surprise here, the compliant Jew spew media...... I have looked at the situation with these illegals flooding into the US and I see it as a carefully contrived plan by the criminal Obama/Soetoro/Davis administration to create revolt and unrest in America.   Once that unrest becomes open and the state governments can not control the situation, the US government may use it as their long sought excuse to enforce martial law, and to bring in their gun control legislation.  There is also the fear that the United Nations may have to become involved to squash any unrest in the United States, which will again bring in martial law and the seizure of guns from the American public.... It seems that the criminal and very Communist US President is now openly wanting this internal US upheaval so that he can take away the guns of every single American citizen.   Be warned everyone, especially my friends in the once great United States, because it is coming!And of course we have the failing economic situation that is going from bad to worse... The fact is that right now every other nation on planet Earth is rapidly moving away from the US dollar and in fact hyperinflation is definitely taking place right now.... Prices on all goods are on a rapid rise and it is not due to the costs of production and transportation to get these products to market, but is indicative of the rapid decline of the US dollar itself.   People everywhere must do their best to keep enough supplies on hand for WHEN the world economic collapse does come, and it is definitely coming....I have not put up any articles about what ever happened to Malaysian flight MH370 now some 100 days since its initial "disappearance" and some have asked me for my view as to exactly what ever happened to that plane and its 239 passengers.... Well, even though people may not like this, I will lay it out... That flight was definitely blatantly stolen by the US criminal government and flown to Diego Garcia.   After a short stay on that so called "secret" US facility in the British Indian Ocean Territories, the plane was remarked and then flown out with other military flights until it landed in the United States a few days later... Then it was definitely re-marked and used by the criminals in the US government as the plane that flew towards The Netherlands with its transponders mysteriously turned off.  That plane was definitely going to be used to attack the representatives that were meeting in The Hague to discuss the Iranian nuclear situation.  Luckily the Dutch air force was able to intercept it before it was to be used as a flying bomb to kill the government officials at that meeting and to have it "blamed on Iran".....The criminal psychotic Jewish elite that have long sought World War III were momentarily derailed in their plans for a world war at that moment, but they will probably try again soon with another false flag operation..... And finally about what ever happened to the passengers.... One person of course was able to fire off one message from Diego Garcia, but he like all the other passengers and crew have been murdered.   That is a fact and shows how truly evil these psychos are......  There, I have laid out what happened to MH370, and it is time that people everywhere accept that as the cold hard reality.....I have constantly been asked again and again to give my views of the greatest "genocide" in human recorded history, which is of course the so called Jewish "holocaust" of the second World War, and again and again I have to reiterate that I can never openly discuss my views on that subject or be arrested for so called "Holocaust denial" by the Canadian thought police.   It has always troubled me that my hands are so tied, but I do recommend that everyone take a look at all the fabulous reports by others that do not have their hands tied by ridiculous "hate crime laws"..... One person in particular, Jim Stone, over at, has come out openly and stated facts about what he sees actually happened in the so called "Holocaust", and I do recommend that readers take a look at his information for themselves......  And of course I am still troubled that the Jewish community itself does not come out against the shysters that continue to make money promoting their lies about their "involvement" in the Holocaust.... The Jewish community itself should have these people arrested for their fraud considering that their false stories is a detriment to those who actually died in the "holocaust".  But the silence from that community about stopping these frauds is deafening!..... The day may yet come when the ridiculous and diabolical laws that prevent proper research into that important part of our history are lifted.    I have always said that day cannot come soon enough...One other note... Yesterday marked the 100th anniversary of the infamous murder of the Archduke Ferdinand by an "activist" under the control of the so called "black hand" in Sarajevo, Serbia.   That event led quickly to the launching of World War I and the eventual destruction and death of much of Europe as a result......  It is so strange to watch the world today be a powder keg much like it was back then in 1914, and it is astounding that so many  have not learned the lessons of real history as we teeter on another global war of destruction...... As I and others have always said... If you do not learn from history, then we are doomed to repeat it!OK, I figure that is enough about the major news headlines that I have torn apart for now.... I will close as usual with my "last minute tidbits".......It is definitely turning into one of the coldest and wettest Summers here in Central Canada with Almanacs and weathermen everywhere around here predicting a very cold August with the advent of winter coming very early this year.  This is further proof that the Global Warming scam is truly that...a scam!.......No new reports about the situation at Fukushima, other than the radiation output from the crippled and melted down reactors is going as strong as ever.   Sadly, this situation will go on for decades yet to come.  And we will be seeing more reports soon of people along the Pacific rim dying of Cancer and other radiation related illnesses increasing rapidly.  Again, attention by our Jew spew media is focused on wars for their glorious Israel, while this world threatening disaster is ongoing........I see that the criminal "social network" Facebook has been caught using that criminal data mining operation on psychological experiments on its users.  When the hell will people finally get the hint and close their Facebook accounts immediately?.......There have been articles again coming out showing "evidence" that Jews are a separate and "distinct" race.  I still wish people would see the obvious that Jews are NOT a "distinct" race by just lining up all the different races constituting Judaism and using critical thinking to realize that each is their own distinct race.   Judaism is a fraud cult and a phoney religion, and should never ever be associated as a "race".......Hillary Clinton is now making her "book" tour (sales of her ridiculous book have been a disaster) to promote herself as the next President of the United States.  This freak of nature and cold blooded killer is a psycho that the American people should never ever consider as their "President".  But knowing the control of the American public through the Jew spew media, this freak may indeed be the next President of the United States.  If that ever happens, then America will indeed be finished.....Glad to see my friend, Whitewraithe back with excellent articles over at here Pragmatic Witness ( website.  And she did a fabulous job with her interview with Charles Giuliani just last Friday.   She has had a real tough time with her financial situation living in Tennessee and definitely has needed her blog as an outlet.  I am crossing my fingers that she does find some work very soon........World Cup in Brazil and several of the teams that I predicted (Spain and Italy) are out of the picture in the knockout round.   Brazil has had several near letdowns in some of their matches, but I do see them there in the final game.  Did I mention that I do enjoy Soccer?........And finally my weekly look at America's greatest family and sadly thanks to the Jew spew media, America's #1 focus, the freaks of nature called the Kardashians.  It seems my favorite trollop and scumbag, Kim, is actually looking for a bigger apartment in New York City.  Honestly, may what ever god you believe in have mercy on the poor people of New York for putting up with this poor excuse for a human being for so long.  But hey, America loves their Kardashians!More to comeNTS