Open thread

It’s your turn to introduce topics for discussion.

Here are a few things I’ve spotted on twitter this past week:
Jay Ambrose: Climate -change scientist using court to silence skeptic
Peter Gluckman’s My address on the science-policy-politics nexus at the Siftung Mercator Conference on Science & Policy in Berlin [link].
Brigitte Nehrlich on the dangers of overselling research [link]
Brigitte Knopf and Oliver Geden on  emissions targets [link]
Pew: Only 40% of Americans think there is global warming and its caused by humans [link]
What really annoys climate scientists about the state of the climate change debate? [link]
The broken science funding system [link]
How to win an argument [link]
Jeffrey Sachs on climate policy [link]
BBC debate between Brian Hoskins and Lord Lawson [link]Filed under: Open thread
