Official: 65-Day U.S.-NATO Proxy War In Ukraine Is…War

National Radio Company of Ukraine
June 18, 2014
President: Ukraine amid new type of warfare
“Ukraine is in a state of war,” Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said.
“This is a new type of warfare with the use of professional subversive groups, mercenaries, volunteers, and the local population. And these volunteers and the local population have very ‘washed’ brains in a huge part due to the information war,” Poroshenko said during a graduation ceremony for the students of the National University of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry on Wednesday.
June 18, 2014
Ukrainian army plans to buy around 1,000 APCs, says NSDC
The Ukrainian army is testing new APCs with the purpose of ordering the vehicles, spokesman for the National Security and Defense Council Volodymyr Chepovy has said.
“The Ukrainian Armed Forces will conduct comparative tests of BTR-3E1s and BTR-4Bs [Butsefal] to select the most suitable APC for the Armed Forces,” he said at a briefing in Kyiv on Wednesday.
He said that around 1,000 APCs would be bought.
Chepovy said that the issue of buying Dozor B lightly armored APCs is being discussed.
June 18, 2014
Nearly 150 soldiers killed in fighting in east Ukraine; almost 360 injured – ministry
A total of 147 military servicemen have been killed and 267 injured since the armed standoff began in the eastern Ukrainian regions, the Director of the Military-Medical Department of the Defense Ministry, Medical Service Colonel Vitaliy Andronaty, told a parliamentary healthcare committee on Wednesday.
Ninety-two soldiers have suffered traumas in the anti-terrorist operation zone since March 8, including 14 sustaining combat traumas, he said. Of the 267 injured, 247 sustained combat injuries. Currently, 13 injured personnel are in critical condition.
The official pointed to shortages of sanitary transport vehicles. The Defense Ministry also needs sanitary vehicles with enhanced off-road capabilities. Andronaty said that patients and the injured get transported from the security operation zone by Mil Mi-8 helicopters and Antonov An-26 medical aircraft.
Earlier this week Ukraine’s First Deputy Prime Minister Vitali Yarema said that 125 government troops were killed in the southeast, including 96 military personnel, 22 policemen, as well as Ukrainian border guards and security officers.

It is important to assign trained, well equipped and well armed fighters on combat missions, he said…
June 18, 2014
Poroshenko: Sloviansk to be encircled, armed opposition to be liquidated
Ukrainian law enforcement units will encircle Sloviansk to liquidate the armed opposition and regain full control over the state border in eastern regions, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said.
“We are taking resolute steps and conducting successful operations towards the restoration [of control] over the state border,” the president told reporters in Kyiv on Wednesday.
“We will do our best today to encircle Sloviansk; we are moving on and the circle is tightening in order to liquidate the militants led by the so-called Shooter [defense minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Igor Girkin (Strelkov)] who are resisting Ukrainian servicemen with arms,” Poroshenko said.
The president said he was maintaining permanent contact with senior officials of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the anti-terrorist operation command.
June 18, 2014
Army will always be No. 1 priority for Ukrainians – Poroshenko
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that the army will always be the No. 1 priority for the state.
“I can assure you and the Ukrainian army will be the number one priority for me, for the Ukrainian government, the Ukrainian budget, and the Ukrainian population,” he said during a graduation ceremony for the students of the National University of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry on Wednesday
June 17, 2014
Poroshenko forbids cooperation with Russia in military area – Yarema
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko forbade cooperation with Russia in military area.
Poroshenko forbids cooperation with Russia in military area – Yarema/Photo UNIANFirst Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Vitaliy Yarema said this on the air of “Svoboda Slova”.
“At sitting of the National Security and Defense Council the President of Ukraine strongly forbade cooperation in military area. From this day forth we ceased any cooperation in military-industrial complex area with the Russian Federation”, – said the first Vice Prime Minister.
