Two Dead (Including Shooter) at Oregon High School

Original Reports had 3 shooters (Screenshot here)
“Some initial reports claimed there were multiple shooters and deceased victims, but those reports were unconfirmed by the Mutnomah County Sheriff’s Office.”
10:54 – “The confusion that occurred about the number of gunmen at the scene apparently happened because two students were found carrying guns when authorities did a pat-down.”

Oregon police say a gunman shot and killed a student at Reynolds High School in Troutdale, just outside Portland, early Tuesday morning.
The shooter was killed shortly after, although authorities haven’t clarified how he died, Fox News reported.

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Chief Scott Anderson, of the Troutdale Police Department, called the incidents a “tragic day” for the local community, Fox News reported.
About 2,800 students attend the school. Parents flocked to the campus shortly after learning of the situation. The wife of one vice principal told various media outlets that she learned of the shooting via a text from her husband, who wrote of hearing shots fired and seeing police search for the shooter.
Students were then alerted over the intercom that the school was in lockdown status.
More than 100 police wearing body armor and toting weapons congregated at the scene, some around an armored vehicle that was prepped to respond. Mayor Doug Daoust, told local television reporters that SWAT team members were evacuating classrooms, one by one, and broadcast images showed students filtering from the school, hands atop their heads.
“I’m a little shaken up,” said freshman Daniel DeLong, 15, after seeing a physical-education teacher with a bloodied shirt, The Associated Press reported. “It just like, happened so fast, you know?”
Little has been released about the student who was shot and killed or about the motives of the gunman.

Read more:  Washington Times

