It's Hitler.....Hurry up Americans and Intervene

Maybe you recall this tidbit of information? - Social conditioning at work: Mentioning Hitler makes Americans more willing to intervene in Ukraine- 

Contained in this previous post -Here

"Mentioning Hitler makes Americans more willing to intervene in Ukraine"

 Only 21% of those asked in the conventional way favored U.S. involvement in the Ukraine. When this question was preceded by the questions about appeasement and comparing Putin to Hitler, support for U.S. involvement rose to 29%. It didn’t change the overall result — a majority of Americans still oppose getting involved in the Ukraine even after the parallel to 1938 is mentioned — but it does make a difference of about 8%.

Of course this meme was presented by WP in a different context. I  personally detest the overuse of this meme.But, couldn't resist posting this image- cause other people see things very differently then the NATO media presentation Oh dear! That oughta confuse the heck out of the western masses who get their NATO news straight up, daily! ;) Sadly, this German/Ukraine leadership link has ties that bind. Thinking of WW2 and the Bandera/Nazi  thugs in Ukraine, present day. Attacking ethnic Russians.Not RT propaganda ;)

Bandera was a leader of Ukraine's nationalist movement in the 1930s and 1940s, which included an insurgent army that fought alongside Nazi soldiers during part of the Second World War. Bandera's supporters claim they sided with the Nazis against the Soviet army, believing that Adolf Hitler would grant Ukraine independence.

 Bandera did collaborate with the Nazis and receive German funding for subversive acts in the USSR as German forces advanced across Poland and into the Soviet Union at the start of the war.

History repeats