In the pope’s backyard Italians are becoming extinct

Michael Hoffman’s Note: Neither “Saint” Pope John Paul II nor his current successor, Pope Francis, ever truly admonished married Italian men and women for their abominably selfish attitudes toward procreation. Yes, even John-Paul “the pro-life pope” gave the Italians a Humane Vitae “lite" approach, knowing full well that Catholic confessors in the West were exculpating married couples who practiced contraception. John Paulphiles can produce — if they can — contrary evidence in our comments section (below). We’d love to see it, but we predict that all they will be able to come up with is some token wrist-slapping from JP-II. This is one reason why, upon his death, Italians demanded immediate sainthood for Pope John Paul —  he did not raise the spectre of disaster and damnation toward those Italians who do not possess enough spark to reproduce themselves. Had the Italians "denied the Holocaust” however, then you can be certain he would have invoked the wrath of God upon them. With Pope Francis, as a result of his notorious “Who am I to judge?” maxim, counseling against contraception is not a high priority. A recent pro-life march and meeting in Rome was dismally attended by a total of exactly one Catholic cardinal or bishop, Cardinal Burke. The pope and the rest of the hierarchy were absent. They have more important priorities that engage their passionate concerns, as for example, civil unions for sodomites, which is at the top of their list; being popular with the world and its media is also exceedingly important to them.The hierarchy of the Church of Rome, starting with the current pope, cannot be said to be other than coffin riders sailing over the extinction of the Italian nation with a wink and a nod. No doubt they feel that North African immigrants will make better citizens of Italy than the Italians themselves. Perhaps they are right. North Africans do have enough children sufficient to reproduce themselves. Meanwhile the Wall Street Journal reports that Italy “already has around 150 over-65s for every 100 people under 14.”Arrivederci Italia!click on the article to read it full-sizeWall Street Journal, April 22, 2014, p. A11.***