Maurice Duplay: Imperative to uproot the passion of war

Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
Maurice Duplay: Colloquy on science and war
Maurice Duplay
From Our Doctors (1926)
Translated by Joseph Collins
“Gentlemen, the future of science announces itself with a renewed and dazzling splendor. Less than a century hence our planet will no more resemble what it is to-day than it resembles what it was in the Middle Ages. But that the wondrous transformation may be accomplished, it is essential that man be neither bad nor mad, and that the passion of war does not seize him anew. It is imperative that we shall uproot or attenuate that antinomy in man first pointed out by Pascal which exists between his intellectual faculties, continually on the increase, and his moral qualities, always stationary. If he does not, civilization, deprived of its equilibrium, will crumble beneath the indignities that man thrusts upon it and the world will materialize the myth of Babel.”
