The Real Reason Osama’s Pictures Haven’t Been Released

On September 11, 2001, a man that Americans by enlarge had never heard of, ordered 4 planes to be hijacked, and then flown into several buildings, including the Pentagon, and the World Trade Centers in New York. Thrusting America into a state of disbelief and rage, a long and arduous manhunt for the perpetrator began, and would not come to a close for the next 10 years.
On May 2, 2011 a team of  Navy Seals stormed a safe house believed to belong to Osama bin Laden, and sure enough, they found him in tucked away in his bedroom. Upon identifying him as the man they were looking for, bin Laden was then shot twice, and immediately killed upon impact.
The next morning news spread around the globe of the top secret raid in Pakistan that closed a chapter in America’s history when President Obama informed the public that Osama bin Laden had been found and killed. America cheered and celebrated for weeks when they finally got what they deemed to be some much deserved pay back, however, questionability began to surface when the White House had not produced one single shred of evidence that Osama had actually killed, and for years kept quiet about why there were no photographs of Osama after the raid, but according to the Huffington Post, that question has finally been answered.
On March 13, 2014, the Huffington Post reported that after Osama was originally killed, U.S. Troops later unloaded over a hundred bullets into Osama bin Laden’s dead body.
Apparently, the government wasn’t all too ready to show the world that it had essentially desecrated the body of the terrorist leader, which may have led some to wonder weather the America that protested against barbaric practices and terrorist-like activities, were any better than the people that they were pointing the finger at.
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