Confirmation Sermon by Bishop Williamson in Idaho

This is a film of excerpts of Bishop Richard N. Williamson's homily in Post Falls, Idaho in the diocese of Boise,  on Feb. 25, at a Confirmation held in defiance of the Bishop of Boise appointed by Rome.Click here to watchIt is approximately 25 minutes in length. Though mainly of interest to Catholics, Bishop Williamson's remarks concerning liberalism and the baleful spirit of the modern world, as well as the prospect of his assassination, and the real reason behind the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, among other topics, will be of interest to non-Catholics.The audio portion of the broadcast is adequate; the video was shot from too great a distance to be of much use except as background.Nota bene: Nicholas Kollerstom has penned an incisive summary of Bishop Williamson's case with regard to his doubts concerning the existence of homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, and the persecution he has suffered as a result. Recall that at the insistence of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in February of 2009 Pope Benedict XVI's Secretariat of State ordered Williamson to "absolutely unequivocally" recant his doubts about the "Shoah," and until such time as he did so, he could not function as a bishop of the Catholic Church. In other words, a disputed aspect of secular history was elevated to the status of sacred Catholic dogma by the pope's secretariat. This is tantamount to decreeing that a Catholic bishop who doubts that anyone was starved to death in the Elmira Prison Camp during the American Civil War, cannot function as a bishop until he recants his skepticism. This grotesque absurdity brings the post-Renaissance Church of Rome into as much disrepute as its sodomite prelates. Mr. Kollerstom's article appears in Richard Widmann's scholarly, online revisionist history quarterly, Inconvenient History. Read it here. +++Michael Hoffman is the author of The Great Holocaust Trial, and Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not  If you think his work is important, please send a donation today to Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816. Or donate online here.***