NATO Warship Docks In Tanzania

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Maritime Command

February 18, 2014

Álvaro de Bazán
Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA: On Sunday, 16 February 2014, NATO’s counter-piracy flagship, ESPS ALVARO DE BAZAN, concluded a visit to Dar es Salaam in support of the Tanzanian authorities’ efforts to combat piracy at sea.
During the port visit the Commander of NATO’s Task Force 508, Rear Admiral (ESP N) Eugenio Diaz del Rio, paid courtesy calls to the Commander of the Tanzanian Navy, Brigadier General Rogastian S. Laswai and to the Chief of the Tanzanian Maritime Police, Assistant Commissioner J. S. Kasanga.
An official lunch was organised on board ESPS ALVARO DE BAZAN and was attended by the Spanish Ambassador to Tanzania, H.E. Luis Cuesta Civis; the Turkish Ambassador, H.E. Ali Davutoglu; the Canadian High Commissioner, H.E. Alexandre Lévêque; the Deputy Head of the U.S. Mission, Mrs. Virginia Blaser; the Deputy Commander of the Tanzanian Navy, Brigadier General Hi Majumba; the Deputy Head of Spanish Mission, Mr. Juan Lueiro; and the Counsellor to the Norwegian Ambassador, Mr. Geir Michalsen.
“I am particularly grateful for the Tanzanian authorities’ support to NATO forces deployed in the Indian Ocean,” said Rear Admiral Diaz del Rio. “We are looking forward to future mutual training opportunities with the Tanzanian Navy.”
Story by HQ MARCOM Public Affairs Office
