Canada grants new identity, passport to Mossad assassin

Press TV – February 16, 2014

The Canadian government has granted a new identity and passport to an agent of the Israeli spying service Mossad who had been involved in an assassination plot in 2010.
The Mossad agent, whose identity was not revealed, received the new identity and passport after his participation in the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai in 2010, Canadian news agency QMI quoted Arian Azarbar, a businessman, as saying.
“The girl who was in charge of that file at Passport Canada… told me about it,” Azarbar said.
Al-Mabhouh was killed in his hotel room by a team of ten assassins carrying European passports.
“The Canadian government has said we had nothing to do with this, but it is a lie,” Azarbar added.
Azarbar has also provided the QMI agency with the name of the Israeli spy and the location of his residence in Canada. The agency, however, has declined to disclose the information, saying it would “endanger the safety and security” of the Mossad agent.
Alexis Pavelich, the spokesman for Canada’s Immigration Ministry, has refused to talk about the passport issue.
Back in 1997, Jordan arrested two Mossad agents carrying fake Canadian passports following a life attempt on Hamas leader Khaled Mashal.
Canada is closely allied to the Israeli regime.
Canada was one of the few countries that opposed the successful Palestinian bid in November 2012 to upgrade its status at the United Nations from “non-member observer entity” to “non-member observer state.”
In October 2011, Canada also opposed the Palestinian effort to win membership within the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
