Interview: U.S. Shows Utter Disregard For Afghan Government Over Detainees

Press TV
February 16, 2014
US shows ‘utter disregard’ for Afghan government over detainees
The Pentagon’s threat against 65 detainees recently released by Afghanistan shows Washington’s “utter disregard and disrespect” for the Afghan people and government, an analyst says.
“The recent announcement that the US Defense Department, the Pentagon, in its own unique manner reserves to itself the right to track down, detain, incarcerate and kill prisoners who have been former prisoners of the US released by the government of Afghanistan is sort of more atrocious things to emanate from,” Rick Rozoff from Stop NATO International told Press TV on Saturday.
“This now over 12-year occupation of the nation and the people of Afghanistan, that is the US shows such utter disregard for, such utter contempt, for the government in Kabul,” he added.
On Friday, the United States announced that the prisoners risk hunted down by American forces.
“Should one of these detainees rejoin the fight, they need to know that they do it at their own peril,” Pentagon’s press secretary, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said.
The Afghan government released 65 inmates from a former US prison in Afghanistan Thursday.
Washington condemned the move, saying the men are dangerous. But Afghan officials said there was no convincing evidence against the prisoners.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s decision showed the latest sign of deteriorating ties between the two counties after more than 12 years of occupation.
“Once again we’re shown the utter disregard and disrespect the United States has both for the sovereign will of the Afghan people and its government,” Rozoff said.
