Misanthropic Organization: NATO Bears Responsibility For Genocide Of Ossetian People

Republic News Agency
February 6, 2014
NATO has a direct relation to the genocide of the Ossetian people – Member of Parliament of South Ossetia

NATO countries have a direct relation to the beginning of the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia in August 2008. They supplied weapons to Georgia and were openly pushing this state “to unleash a bloodbath against the Ossetian people,” said the Chairman of the Committee on Legislation, Legality and Local Self-Government, a Chairman of the Union of Defenders of South Ossetia Amiran Dyaconov in his interview with the news agency “Res”, commenting on the statement of the NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen who had condemned the transfer of the Russian border deep into Abkhazia.
“We are well aware of that not only Georgia, but the NATO countries are guilty of what happened, and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has a direct relation to the massacre, genocide of the Ossetian people,” said Dyaconov.
He has expressed confidence that NATO will soon cease to exist.
“I, as a chairman of the NGO Union of Defenders of South Ossetia will not abandon the idea of dancing the lezginka on the ruins of this misanthropic organization,” he said.
It should be noted that during a joint press conference with Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that he condemned the transfer of the Russian border deep into Abkhazia.
In January 2014 in the Gagra district the state border between Abkhazia and the Russian Federation was moved 11 km into the territory of Abkhazia. This situation will continue until March 21. This step was taken in accordance with the joint decision of the leadership of the Russian Federation and the government of Abkhazia.
