George W. Bush is honored by the ADL for his support of the two-state solution -- are you laughing or crying?

by KenI think this story pretty much speaks for itself, except to note that if you line up your angles right, it's possible for the giving of an honor to dishonor both the giver and the recipient.Once upon a time, it was at least my impression that the Anti-Defamation League and its longtime director, Abraham Foxman, did serious work. But somewhere along the line (and again, this is my impression of the history) the ADL and its director went, well, nuts, and transformed themselves into shrill propagandists, shills for the lower lowlifes of the Israeli government and the official American Jewish community -- mostly denouncing everyone in sight as anti-Semites.If you read this, you can hardly tell whether to laugh or cry when Chimpy the Ex-Prez is saluted for his "vision" of "two states, living side by side, in peace and security." First, because what did Chimpy ever do to advance the cause of a two-state solution? And second, who connected to Israeli officialdom even pays lip service anymore to believing in same?The credit to Chimpy for supporting immigration reform is legit, but then, I don't recall hearing the ADL doing much championing of the cause. And as for this "leadership" that Chimpy is alleged to have shown after 9/11, well, again, I'll leave it to you whether to laugh or cry. Specifically, there's this: "When you were called on to respond to unspeakable terror, hate and violence, you refused to let America give into stereotypes. You answered calls for anti-Muslim revenge with calls for respect and understanding." Huh? Is it possible that the sages of the ADL have confused our Chimpy with someone else?

George W. Bush Honored by Anti-Defamation LeagueEx-President Lauded at Palm Beach GalaBy JTAPublished February 08, 2014.The Anti-Defamation League awarded its highest honor to former President George W. Bush.The ADL presented its America’s Democratic Legacy Award to the former president during a Thursday night gala dinner that opened the its national executive committee meeting in Palm Beach, Fla.“We will never forget, Mr. President, how the vision you laid out of ‘two states, living side by side, in peace and security’ still informs our consciousness and our parlance today,” said the ADL’s national director, Abraham Foxman. “You solidified an unbreakable affinity between two democracies challenged by extremists and terrorists — and an ironclad shared understanding — that security is one of the most important foundations for peace.”Foxman also hailed Bush’s support for immigration reform and his leadership after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.Bush spoke at the dinner, which was held at The Breakers resort and was reportedly closed to the press.Previous recipients of the award, which the ADL has been giving out for more than half a century, have included American presidents as well as other government, business, literary and religious figures.
