Ecuador leaves inter-American defense treaty

Press TV – February 5, 2014

Ecuador has announced its withdrawal from the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, a hemispheric agreement of mutual defense signed in 1947.
On Wednesday, Ecuador Foreign Ministry said President Rafael Correa pulled the country out of the US-led security arrangement on the grounds it is outdated, AFP reported.
The Foreign Ministry said Correa signed a decree on Tuesday, ratifying a decision earlier this month by the National Assembly to withdraw from the treaty.
“Ecuador renounces in all its articles the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance,” the ministry said.
The treaty, commonly known as the Rio Treaty, stipulates that an armed attack against any of the member states is to be considered an attack against all of them.
Ecuador ratified the treaty in 1950.
The move is the latest in a shift away from US-led security arrangements in the region by Ecuador and other leftist Latin American allies.
At the end of an annual meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Bolivia in 2012, the foreign ministers of Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua announced their decision to pull out of the treaty, saying the regional defense treaty is a US initiative and membership is not beneficial to them.
