VIDEO US Puppet Prime Minister Ali Zeidan Gives Permission For US Troops

TweetThis is what happens when one country (USA) installs by force a puppet government in another country. Ali Zeidan the Puppet Prime Minister of Libya has given permission today to the US to put troops on the ground in Libya. This is of course to keep his position as puppet PM against the will of the people of Libya. This is proof positive that US has absolutely no interest in helping the people of the world. It is all about control of the world in the worst possible way.
Question: "How effective is a government that requires a foreign military to hold control?" Mr. Zeidan is not even in Libya now, he is too busy meeting with his cronies in foreign countries. Mr. Zeidan does NOT speak for the Libyan people.
LIBYA belongs to the LIBYANS!
*They do not accept USA troops on their soil!
*They do not accept a Puppet Government!
*They do not accept radical Islamists!
Tags: USALibyaZeidan