Ukraine Crisis: “Trashy Play That Has Been Written Outside Ukraine”

February 1, 2014
1) Ruling party, allies set up national front, regional governor denounces “trashy play that has been written outside Ukraine”
2) State Department’s Nuland to return to Ukraine for round two of putsch campaign
3) To be joined by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton
4) European Council president and NATO secretary general: Ukraine belongs to us
5) Violent protest actions were planned: high-ranking Ukrainian Interior Ministry official
6) Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity: U.S. and EU support violent overthrow of Ukrainian government
7) Military urge president to stabilize situation in Ukraine

February 1, 2014
Ruling party meeting okays plan to set up “Ukrainian Front”
KHARKIV, Ukraine: A national conference on Saturday of leaders of bottom-tier organizations of the ruling Party of Regions passed a resolution to set up a “Ukrainian Front.”
The plan to set up the group, whose full name would be the All-Ukraine Public Union Ukrainian Front, was based on an initiative put forward at the conference, held in Kharkiv, by the head of the local branch of the Union of Veterans of Afghanistan, Volodymyr Ryzhkov, an Interfax correspondent reported from the event, which gave unanimous approval to the proposal.
“There is special symbolism about this name [Ukrainian Front],” said Kharkiv region governor Mykhailo Dobkin, head of the Party of Regions’ local branch.
“Our front will defend and purge the Ukrainian land from those who have come here with invasive plans. This was the case in the past, and this is what is happening today. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers coped with this task, and today it is our turn. I think that we will be a credit to those who gave us birth, who brought us up, who laid the basis for our character, and who have put us on the right path by imbuing us with patriotism,” Dobkin said.
He insisted that every chance be used to resolve Ukraine’s crisis in a peaceful way but claimed that the government would use force if this proved impossible.
“For as long as there is an opportunity to peacefully resolve today’s social confrontation, it is our duty to take what may even be the minimum or a seemingly unreal chance to preserve peace in our country and prevent a civil was and bloodshed,” he said.
However, “our patience is not limitless,” the governor said. “The challenges that are being thrown down to us are being taken. When we see that the peaceful way of restoring order in our country has been used up, we will do it another way on the basis of the laws and constitution of Ukraine.”
Dobkin described the Ukrainian crisis as “a trashy play that has been written outside Ukraine.”
According to its organizers, the conference brought together about 6,000 people – members of 20 delegations from regional organizations of the Party of Regions, parliament deputies, Communist Party members, and representatives of more than 50 other nongovernmental organizations.
January 31, 2014
Victoria Nuland to visit Kyiv in coming future
Spokesperson for the United States Department of State Victoria Nuland will visit Kyiv within framework of European tour of the heads of the United States Department of State, that will take place from January 31 to February 6.
It is said in the statement of the United States Department of State, “Voice of America” reports.
February 1, 2014
Ashton worried about situation in Ukraine, returning to Kyiv next week
EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission Catherine Ashton has said that the attempts to arrest Automaidan leader Dmytro Bulatov from his hospital bed were unacceptable.
She said this during her meeting with representatives of Ukrainian opposition in Munich on Friday on the margins of Munich Security Conference.
“We had an in-depth discussion about the situation in Ukraine. I am deeply alarmed by the violence and cases of intimidation and torture. I am particularly appalled by the cruel treatment and torture of Dmytro Bulatov and reports that there are attempts to arrest him from his hospital bed. This is completely unacceptable and must stop immediately,” the high representative said in a statement published on the Web site of the European External Actions Service.
Ashton expressed concern over the situation in Ukraine and promised to come to Kyiv next week.
“The situation in Ukraine is deeply worrying and I will be returning to Kyiv next week, on behalf of the European Union,” she said.
February 1, 2014
Ukraine’s future belongs with EU, says European Council president
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has said that the offer of closer cooperation between the EU and Ukraine still stands.
“The offer is still there. And we know time is on our side. The future of Ukraine belongs with the European Union,” he said at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday.
Rompuy said that during their meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier last week, he and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso answered his concerns about the impact on Russia of closer economic ties between Ukraine and Europe.
“We also pressed the point of the rights of independent countries; the same goes for Moldova and Georgia,” the European Council president said.
“Some people think Europeans are naïve; that we prefer carrots over sticks. Now, I am not saying that we cannot sometimes play our hand more strongly. But surely it is a bad idea to let foul play undercut the very values that constitute our power of attraction in the first place – a power of attraction that brought down the Berlin Wall. Our biggest carrot is a way of life; our biggest stick: a closed door,” he said.
He recalled that Brussels offered Ukraine a closer association with the European Union on certain terms. At the same time there was no demand on the country to spoil its relations with its eastern neighbor, “with which it shares a history and culture.”
At the same time, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said at the Munich Security Conference that Ukraine should choose its own path of development without interference from foreign countries.
“Ukraine must have the freedom to choose its own path without extra pressure,” he said.
January 31, 2014
Police: Mass protest rallies in Kyiv were planned
The Ukrainian opposition planned the ongoing mass protests in Kyiv beforehand and prepared a scenario involving the use of force among others, a high-ranking Ukrainian Interior Ministry official said, Interfax-Ukraine informs.
“Information that is contained on servers that have been confiscated concerns the Batkivschyna all-Ukrainian association’s activities and indicates that the mass protest actions that started in Kyiv on November 21 last year were not spontaneous but had been planned beforehand,” Oleh Hnativ, a deputy chief of the Interior Ministry main investigations department, said at a press conference in Kyiv on Friday.
Hnativ said he meant servers confiscated from an office housing an IT company on Turovska Street on December 9, 2013.
January 31, 2014
RPI Director: Riots in Ukraine are supported and financed from abroad
Mass protests in Ukraine are financed by interested parties in the US and Europe, director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Daniel McAdams told in an interview with BTB channel.
“The situation is the streets of Kyiv is an attempt of violent overthrowing of the government. Protesters behave more and more aggressively as they have support of the US and EU governments. The situation is rooted in the times of Orange Revolution, when the US spent millions of dollars to train and prepare people,” the RPI Director said.
To prove his opinion he proposed to check into activity of some American organizations and funds. “Take USAID for example, the United States Agency for International Development, and check where its money goes,” he said.
Moreover, Daniel McAdams named a number of people in the US, who are deeply involved into the protests in Ukraine. “Senator John McCain, for example, visited Ukraine recently and personally communicated with protesters and opposition, siding with these people who call on violent overthrow of the government, including radicals and extremists. If you do something like that in the US you can be certain you will find yourself behind the bars or worse. Or take Victoria Nuland, who was walking along the streets and treating protesters. Moreover, her husband, Robert Kagan is a McCain’s aide and strongly support various colour revolutions believing that the US has the right to organize them everywhere it sees fit,” the expert said.
In his opinion, such behaviour demonstrates double policy of the US. “The US would never allow such protests to be held on its soil, let alone to be financed from abroad. I do not understand why Yanukovych let these people do this in his country. If a group of people seized the Supreme Court of Energy Ministry, it would be tolerated by the government not even for a minute,” he added.
According to McAdams, organizations involved into mass riots operate not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries where the US plans on “colour revolutions”. “These organizations and funds finance the so-called oppositional mass media, teach protesters various methods and strategies of a “proper” protest, provide protesters with portable stations with internet access to be in touch even when a government tries to block the access”.
McAdams believes that Ukraine has become a hostage of the American-Russian conflict. “The United States still cannot believe that the cold war is over and focuses its foreign policy on Russia trying to find its weak spots. Take for example the speech of McCain’s, when Russia and Georgia were at war. ‘We are all Georgians now’, he said back then trying to pull the US into a nuclear war. However, the problem is that the US does not have all that influence it pretends to have. The US is a bankrupt. We simply cannot afford financing someone’s empires or follow the goals of certain neoconservative,” McAdams summed up.
January 31, 2014
Military urge President to stabilize situation in Ukraine
The military and the Armed Forces of Ukraine urged President – Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Viktor Yanukovych to take urgent measures to stabilize situation in the country.
According to the press service of the Defense Ministry, the military at the meeting with the participation of head of the Defense Ministry Pavlo Lebedev and his deputies expressed concern about the current situation in the state.
“Expressing their civic position, the military and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who serve and work in the Defense Ministry, urged the Supreme Commander in the framework of existing legislation to take urgent measures to stabilize the situation in the country and to achieve a compromise in the society,” the statement says.
According to the speakers, the current events in Ukraine disturb all people, as they concern the future of the country and its every citizen.
