McCain leads Charge in the Senate to Expand Presidential Powers (War Powers Act of 2014)

What was the difference between McCain (who was a laughing stock during the 2008 GOP Primaries) and Cousin Barry Obama? Nice for McCain (Kaine) and others to gift this power to the President. McCain becomes somewhat unhinged at the end…. War Froth.

(Not sure who the person is recording this and commenting, its the only copy we could find – so Thanks “Sherrie”)

Senator John McCain on the Senate floor January 16, 2014. Introducing a Bill “War Powers Act of 2014″. It would give the President of the United States the Power to go to War at Will without Congressional Approval. In other words, erase the Democracy of the United States and Constitution and give the President Dictatorial Powers to invade and bomb any country he wants.
He is introducing it, (allegedly) due to being upset we did not bomb Syria.

