Israeli forces prevent Palestinian activist from entering Jordan

Ma’an - January 31, 2014

HEBRON – Israeli forces prevented a Palestinian popular committee coordinator from traveling to Jordan via the Allenby Bridge on Thursday, the coordinator said.
Ratib al-Jbour told Ma’an: “I was heading to Jordan, and then to France to participate in solidarity campaigns with our people and show the true image of how we suffer as a result of the occupation and settlers.”
Israeli forces cited “security reasons” for preventing him from crossing to Jordan, al-Jbour said.
But he said the limitations on his freedom of travel were due to the impact Palestinian solidarity campaigns were making around the world.
Al-Jbour coordinates popular committees against settlements and the Israeli separation wall in areas south of Hebron and east of Yatta.
Palestinians and pro-Palestinian activists are often held up or denied entry at borders controlled by Israel.

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