NATO Military Chiefs Boost European Union Intengration

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation

January 24, 2014
SACT Joins Chiefs of Defence during Meetings in Brussels
ACT Public Affairs

NATO Chiefs of Defence concluded a two-day meeting at NATO Headquarters in Brussels January 23 by identifying the future priorities in NATO military Operations, Partnerships and Transformation, and setting the basis for the work on the 2014 NATO Summit deliverables.
Concerning Partnership and Transformation, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) French Air Force General Jean-Paul Paloméros contributed with five main speeches focusing on Partnership; Connected Forces Initiative (CFI) Implementation; Future Framework for Alliance Operations (FFAO); Smart Defence; Cyber in the NATO Defence Planning Process.
SACT updated the Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) on strategic engagements with all partners and opportunities through Smart Defence and CFI, and their participation in education, training and exercises. “The Smart Defence initiative has also proved to be an opportunity to develop NATO’s relationship with the European Union” said SACT. “The work being done through this initiative enables stronger cooperation with our Non-NATO/ EU nations and more generally to build trust and confidence with our partners.”
SACT also expressed to the national defence chiefs the need to enhance the quality of exercises such as ‘Trident Juncture 2015′. “It is the quality of training that will really bring sense and meaning to this ambitious approach. Our ability to take forward, together, lessons from operations and exercises will be key to this exciting enterprise.”
While sharing his vision of the future, SACT addressed FFAO and how it follows the Strategic Foresight Analysis (SFA) Report released last year. “FFAO aims to support defence planners and inform the defence planning process. We want it to be the main vehicle for Strategic Commanders to provide best military advice for future military operations.”
SACT also gave an update on Smart Defence (SD) in general including flagship projects and the Framework Nation concept with a particular focus on JISR.
The last intervention of SACT was about Cyber in NDPP targets, in Education Training Exercise and Education, in Smart Defence projects and in NATO-UE coordination.
