New York Times: NATO and “freedom of expression”

Yesterday the New York Times published a brief op-ed piece entitled Expand NATO’s Influence and Reach by one Ryan C. Hendrickson, identified as a professor of political science at Eastern Illinois University.
I submitted a short comment taking issue with the author’s celebration of the expansion of the U.S.-led bloc into history’s first global military formation, one which to date has waged wars of aggression on three continents, and requested that a similar column be allotted to me as the manager of not only the most authoritative, but indeed the sole, anti-NATO website.
Five comments were cleared for posting in the interim, one which resulted in a correction added by the New York Times at the bottom of the column, but my comments – brief, relevant and polite – were not posted, neither was I contacted to inform me why they were not.
To be recalled the next time anyone in the U.S. presumes to pontificate on the alleged right to freedom of expression, the First Amendment, etc. In the uneven battle against the world’s politico-military Goliath, even a pebble for David’s sling is denied him.
Rick Rozoff
