Russia Warns West Not To Encourage Ukrainian Violence

January 25, 2014
1) Moscow urges West not to encourage Ukrainian militants’ actions
2) Lavrov criticizes Europeans for inappropriate reaction to events in Ukraine
3) Protesters piling up firearms at Kyiv City Administration building – Ukrainian interior minister
4) Protesters blockade Ukraine’s Energy Ministry
5) Buildings of four regional state administrations remain seized in Ukraine
6) Crimean parliament urges Yanukovych to declare state of emergency
7) Lawmakers from ruling party banned from travel to U.S.
8) Policeman shot dead in Kyiv, another policeman sustains knife wound – Ukrainian interior ministry
January 25, 2014
Moscow urges West not to encourage Ukrainian militants’ actions
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a televised interview on Russian television.It is very important that there must be no calls from outside that the opposition and particularly actively operating militants take as encouragement allegedly to act relying on the European community’s view, the minister noted.
Sergei Lavrov in a talk with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry noted it was important not to interfere in the process in Ukraine and refrain from statements that may only heat up the situation.
The minister said about it in a televised interview on Russian television, when asked about the statements of the U.S. ambassador in Kiev.”I hope he (Kerry) heeded,” Lavrov added.
January 24, 2014
Lavrov criticizes Europeans for inappropriate reaction to events in Ukraine
MOSCOW: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has criticized the European countries for not reacting appropriately to radical opposition activists’ actions in various parts of Ukraine.
Speaking on the phone with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Friday, “Lavrov, in particular, drew the German counterpart’s attention to the seizures of local administration buildings in a number of Ukrainian regions by opposition fighters and the lack of appropriate reaction from European partners,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
January 25, 2014
Protesters piling up firearms at Kyiv City Administration building – Ukrainian interior minister
KYIV: Ukrainian Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko claims that the opposition is piling up firearms in the building of the Kyiv City Administration and that a conflict among different groups of protesters is worsening.
“The events of the last several days in the capital of Ukraine have shown that our attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully, without resorting to forcible confrontation, were futile. Our calls have not been heard, and the truce agreement has been broken,” Zakharchenko said in a statement to the nation and foreign countries on Saturday.
“Information obtained by the law enforcement agencies indicates that firearms are being piled up at the Trade Unions House and the Kyiv City Administration building,” Zakharchenko said.
Protesters have started again pelting police, who are not using force now as the negotiations are under way between the Ukrainian leadership and the opposition, with pavement blocks and Molotov cocktails, Zakharchenko said.
Moreover, leader of the Ukrainian Radical Party Oleh Lyashko has called on his supporters to attack police, he said.
“One policeman was shot dead to the head last night, and three other law enforcement officers were captured on Independence Square. One of them was seriously wounded and is in the hospital now, and the other two are still being held at the Kyiv City Administration building,” he added.
The police’s negotiations with the protest leaders and opposition parliamentarians have not produced the desired result, Zakharchenko said. “They can no longer influence the radical groups, who are controlling the buildings they have seized and resorting to force actions,” he said.
“The opposition leaders have not disassociated themselves from the radical forces, but they are no longer capable of controlling them, and so they are exposing the citizens of Ukraine to danger,” Zakharchenko said.
The international community “should not turn a blind eye” to these events, which are reaching “a high degree of extremism,” he said.
Russian Information Agency Novosti
January 25, 2014
Protesters Blockade Ukraine’s Energy Ministry
KIEV: Protesters have surrounded the entrances of Ukraine’s Fuel and Energy Ministry in downtown Kiev, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported from the scene on Saturday.
The report came soon after an opposition leader said on national television that “activists have seized the building.”
The leader of the group Common Cause, Alexander Danilyuk, told Ukraine’s Channel 5 that “the guards did not put up a fight. We will continue our work to paralyze the central bodies of government.”
The RIA Novosti correspondent reported that several dozen protesters armed with clubs had entered the building’s courtyard, but the doors were sealed shut and the main entrance was barricaded.
Minister Eduard Stavitsky, however, attested in a statement on Saturday that “the ministry is functioning as normal.”
Protesters a day before announced that they had seized the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry.
Dozens of demonstrators and riot police have been injured in a surge of violence that enveloped the capital Kiev last week after Ukraine’s government enacted laws severely restricting protests.
Authorities have confirmed that three protesters have been killed in the unrest, while the Ukrainian opposition claims at least three others have been killed.
No police fatalities have been reported, but many have been hospitalized with severe injuries.
In a bid to ease tensions in the country, President Viktor Yanukovych said Friday that Ukraine’s parliament next week would consider pardoning detained political activists and reshuffling the government’s top ministers.
Anti-government protesters have brought the heart of Kiev to a standstill for almost two months by occupying the central Independence Square in response to a government decision to pull back from a deal to forge closer relations with the European Union in favor of enhanced ties with Russia.
While initially focused on the EU decision, discontent in Ukraine has steadily taken on a more general anti-government character.
January 25, 2014
Buildings of four regional state administrations remain seized in Ukraine
As of morning January 24, buildings of Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administrations remained seized by the protesters.
Yesterday, January 23, protesters captured the building of the Lviv Regional State Administration and forced the governor Oleg Salo to resign. However, later he said that he wrote the statement under pressure.
Currently, there are about 50 activists near the building of the Lviv Regional Administration. During the last night protesters erected barricades of bags filled with snow, wooden logs and tires. Several dozen of people stay inside the administration.
Yesterday, several thousand residents of Rivne seized the Rivne Regional State Administration. Law enforcement officials after four hours of talks left the building of the Administration, and the Governor wrote letter of resignation.
Yesterday, Ternopil protesters went to the building of the Ternopil Regional State Administration, where the regional council was situated. After discussion with the police officers, thousand activists pushed them and entered the building.
In addition, on Thursday, at 9 pm, during a peaceful assembly of citizens at the meeting in Zhytomyr, a significant number of unknowns attempted to seize the building of the Zhytomyr Regional State Administration.
Also, as of 10.30 am on January 24, several hundreds of people stormed the building of the Chernivtsi Regional State Administration.
January 25, 2014
Crimean parliament urges Yanukovych to declare state of emergency
The presidium of the Crimean Supreme Council, in connection with the seizure of administrative buildings in several regions in Ukraine, has said that there is a threat to the constitutional order and called on the president, the National Security Council and Defense Council and MPs to introduce a state of emergency in the country.
“Violence, like a cancer, is spreading from the Maidan in Kyiv to the Ukrainian regions. The unpunished seizure of Kyiv City State Administration and other administrative buildings persuaded Maidan activists that there is permissiveness. In seven regions of Ukraine the extremists are storming the state authorities and erecting barricades. The buildings of the Lviv, Rivne and Ternopil state administrations have already been seized. Participants in mass disturbances have announced that they ‘are taking power into their own hands,’ are subordinated to the decisions of the self-proclaimed ‘people’s council’ and started forming illegitimate government agencies. The principles of the constitutional order and the system of state governance are under threat,” the press center of the Crimean parliament said, citing an address adopted by the presidium on Friday.
The authors of the document noted that the Crimean parliament had earlier called for the introduction of a state of emergency to restore public order.
“If our voice had been heard in a timely manner, Ukraine would have not been on the brink of a civil war,” they said, Interfax-Ukraine informed.
“We appeal to Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, the National Security and Defense Council and the people’s deputies of Ukraine with the request to stop lawlessness, anarchy and violence that swept through the country and declare a state of emergency in Ukraine. We propose stop funding from the state budget the regions that declared themselves to be out of law, in which where the authorities were overthrown by force, until the constitutional order is restored in them,” reads the document.
January 24, 2014
Lawmakers from the Party of Ukraine Volodymyr Oliynyk and Olena Bondarenko received a ban on entry to the USA.
“Now it is official information – Oliynyk and Bondarenko got ban to entry to the USA”, – she wrote.

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January 25, 2014
Policeman shot dead in Kyiv, another policeman sustains knife wound – Ukrainian interior ministry
Kyiv: Security guards working at a construction site in the Holosiyivsky district of Kyiv found the body of a dead policeman on Friday evening, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry organized crime department reported.
Witnesses saw two people running away from the scene, it said.
The policeman was 27 and served at the Holosiyivsky district police department’s investigations division, the Interior Ministry’s main investigations division told Interfax.
“This man served as a member of a detention unit reacting to alarm actuation at guarded sites. He had come off duty and was walking home in civilian clothing when someone shot in his head,” it said.
A law enforcement source told Interfax that the policeman had served not far from the base of the Berkut riot police task force and lived at a Berkut dormitory.
The Interior Ministry press service said also that protesters attacked three policemen near Independence Square in Kyiv on Friday evening, causing a knife wound to one of them.
“The captured law enforcement officials were held at the Kyiv City Administration building. The wounded policeman was later freed and hospitalized. The fates of the other two policemen are unknown,” it said.
