Turkey Shepherds Georgia Into NATO

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
January 10, 2014
Visit of Top Brass of General Staff of Turkey

The representatives of General Staff of the Republic of Turkey pay an official visit to Georgia. Defence Minister Irakli Alasania hosted 22 Turkish military top brass led by Lieutenant-General Atilla Gülan today.
At the meeting held at MoD, Irakli Alasania expressed gratitude to the guests for their contribution in the development process of Georgian Armed Forces and humanitarian support. The sides referred to the bilateral cooperation issues and future plans. Cooperation in military industrial sphere was one of the main topics of the discussion as well. Defence Minister focused on Georgia’s NATO integration, ISAF and post-ISAF period, as well regional security issues.
“Traditional annual meeting was held with the Generals of Turkish Armed Forces. We spoke about the aspects of Georgia-Turkey military cooperation. We are very satisfied for the dynamic of military cooperation with Turkey. We plan to develop our relations in military industrial field as well. Today’s meeting was one of the main essential meetings within the bilateral cooperation, which is held regularly and will deepen in the future” – stated Irakli Alasania.
Chief of General Staff of GAF, Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze held meeting with the military top brass of the Republic of Turkey. Deputy Chiefs of General Staff and Sergeant Major of GAF also attended the meeting. The sides discussed bilateral cooperation issues between Georgia and Turkey. As Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze outlined, the meeting with the military top brass of Turkish General Staff is very important for development of Georgian Armed Forces.
Following the meeting, the sides exchanged gifts to each other. Visit of the high level representatives of General Staff of Turkish Armed Forces will come to an end tomorrow.
