NATO To Offer New Integration Mechanism To Georgia: Defense Chief

Trend News Agency
December 28, 2013
Georgia hopes that NATO will offer new tool at next summit
By Nana Kirtzkhalia

Tbilisi: Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania hopes that NATO will offer Georgia a qualitatively new tool at the next summit. There is a certain agreement with the management of the alliance on this issue, Alasania said on Friday.
“The dynamics between Georgia and Europe in terms of integration gives us reason to believe that NATO will offer us a new tool,” he said. “I had several consultations with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, as well as NATO member-states and there is a general agreement that Georgia must get a new tool. We promote this by transformation. As you know, we had successful election. This will also depend on the justice reform. Based of this, I have a reasonable hope that it is necessary to wait for a successful summit in Great Britain next year.”
Translated by NH
Edited by CN
Ministry of Defence of Georgia
December 28, 2013
MoD’s Report on Georgia’s NATO Integration

Today Deputy Defence Minister Mikheil Darchiashvili summed up NATO-Georgia cooperation during 2013 with MPs. Permanent Representative of Georgia to NATO Levan Dolidze focused on Georgia’s aspiration to North-Atlantic Alliance at the meeting with the members of Defence and Security Committee. Deputy State Minister of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Davit Dondua and Director of Security Policy and Euro-Atlantic Integration Department of MFA, Giorgi Dolidze delivered information to the MPs on Georgia’s progress achieved to NATO integration path and the future plans.
While reviewing Georgia’s NATO membership, the progress achieved in Georgian Armed Forces was paid a special attention that is underlined in NATO Annual Assessment. Future plans of cooperation with NATO were the topics of the discussion as well. “We spoke Georgia’s path to NATO 2014 Summit. Georgian MPs’ engagement in this process is very essential. I’d like to extend my gratitude to our deputies for expressing attention and interest towards the process ongoing in the MoD. Parliamentary oversight is one of the important components of democracy development. We achieve effective progress in this direction” – outlined Mikheil Darchiashvili.
Chairman of Defence and Security Committee Irakli Sesiashvili positively assessed cooperation between Defence Ministry and NATO. As he stated, Georgia has positive expectations at NATO 2014 Summit.
Chief of General Staff of GAF, Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze and Deputy Defence Minister Irakli Gegechkori also attended the meeting on NATO issues with the members of Defence and Security Committee held in General Staff HQ.
Rustavi 2
December 27, 2013
Obama signs National Defense Authorization Act
President of the United States Barack Obama on Thursday signed the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2014, the White House announced. The annual measure authorizes appropriations and lays out policies for the Defense Department and other national security programs. The program includes cooperation and assistance to partner countries, including Georgia.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Davit Zalkaliani confirmed this fact at the meeting of several parliamentary commissions. Zalkaliani says that he was notified by Georgian ambassador to the United States about the decision on his way from Tbilisi to Kutaisi. The draft bill was under discussion at the House of Representatives and the Senate for past few years.
Davit Zalkaliani says the document is of greatest importance for Georgia.
