Foreign Minister: NATO, U.S., EU Back Georgia Against Russia

December 23, 2013
Georgian minister lauds foreign policy achievements in 2013
TBILIS: The outgoing year 2013 was one of the most successful for Georgia’s foreign policy, Georgian Foreign Minister Maia Panjikidze said.
“Georgian foreign policy efforts taken this year as regards concrete countries and in the international format focused on the achievement of the main goal,” she told a final press conference on Monday. “The goal is international involvement in the strengthening of Georgia’s territorial integrity, tangible progress in the achievement of European and Euro-Atlantic objectives, deepening strategic partnership with the Untied States and relations with partner countries and neighbors, and de-escalation of relations with Russia with due respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country.”
The Georgian Foreign Ministry unwaveringly urges international attention to the deployment of barbed wire and other artificial barriers along the borders of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by Russian troops, she said.
“The negative international reaction to the illegal policy of Russia was extremely important in this context. The NATO Secretary General, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, the U.S. Department of state and representatives of other international organizations made their comments on the barbed wire entanglements deployed along the occupation line,” Panjikidze continued.
In her opinion, the outgoing year was one of the most successful for Georgia in the field of foreign policy.
