NATO Holds International Transformation Meeting At U.S. Headquarters

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation

December 12, 2013
SACT Hosts the Chiefs of Transformation Conference
Senior Chief Mass Communication Specialist Hendrick L. Dickson

More than 270 transformation chiefs and stakeholders from the 28 NATO member nations and NATO partner nations converged at the 2013 Chiefs of Transformation Conference (COTC) December 10-12 at the Sheraton Waterside Hotel in Norfolk, Virginia.
NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) hosts the annual forum for invited chiefs of transformation and other stakeholders to interact and collaborate with ACT’s senior leadership in areas aimed at strengthening the Alliance and improving interoperability. This year’s conference focused on several high-priority ACT projects such as the Connected Forces Initiative, Smart Defence and Federated Mission Networking.
The event also included several panel discussions on topics such as Strategic Views on Future Capability Development, Future NATO Vision, Post-ISAF Outlook, Lessons Learned from Recent Operations in Mali.
Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) French Air Force General Jean-Paul Paloméros expressed in his opening remarks the importance of the cooperative efforts of the nations, partners and international organisations.
“There’s an African saying: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.’ Being ready for going fast as an Alliance is all the more necessary albeit never be granted for sure; this needs careful attention and lasting commitment…” said General Paloméros.
“…From a military perspective, ‘going together’ implies being interoperable and connected. Going ‘far together’ implies achieving sustainable operations in the most comprehensive and inclusive approach.”

The conference concluded with additional round-table discussions with the NATO Chiefs of Transformation hosted by SACT and the Partner Chiefs of Transformation hosted by Deputy SACT, Italian Air Force General Mirco Zuliani.
“We clearly have a great deal [of] work ahead of us to lead ‘transformation’ in this time of rapid change and under the imposing physical challenges that we face…” said U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Bruce Grooms, ACT Deputy Chief of Staff for Capability Development. “We will continue to analyse the input we received from each of you.”
The COTC was the final major collaborative event coordinated by ACT this year. The discussions driving the forum – the Connected Forces Initiative, Smart Defence, the Transatlantic Bond and others – will be the focus of ACT’s agenda for the upcoming the NATO Summit 2014 and Beyond.
ACT is the only permanent NATO headquarters located outside of Europe and is the leading agent for change; driving, facilitating and advocating continuous improvement of the Alliance. Its aim is to improve relationships, interaction and practical cooperation with member nations, partners and international organisations.
