Virginia: NATO Sets Up International Military Police Center In Poland

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation

December 12, 2013
SACT Establishes the Military Police Centre of Excellence

NATO Allied Command Transformation held a Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony December 11th, during the annual Chiefs of Transformation Conference in Norfolk, Virginia, to officially establish the NATO Military Police Centre of Excellence with Poland as the Framework Nation.
Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) French Air Force General Jean-Paul Paloméros was joined by Commander of the Polish Military Gendarmerie, Major General Miroslaw Rozmus,the Military Police Centre of Excellence (MP COE) Director and Commander of the Polish Military Gendarmerie, Polish Armed Forces Colonel Grzegorz Wasielewski; and National Liaison Representatives (NLRs) from Sponsoring Nations; Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany, The Netherlands and Romania.
COEs are nationaly or multi-nationally sponsored entities, which offer recognized expertise and experience to the benefit of the Alliance, especially in support of Transformation.The COEs are not part of the NATO command structure, but they offer expertise and experience that support the transformation of NATO.
“The Military Police COE will now bring its full contributions to NATO,” said General Paloméros. “It will complete a set of 18 other centres that bring together expertise applied to the areas of concept development and experiments, doctrine development, education and training – and lessons learned.”
The MP COE, located in Bydgoszcz, Poland, is established to enhance the MP capabilities for NATO and member nations in order to support military transformation and improve the Alliance’s interoperability in the field of MP.
“This MOU is very important,” said General Paloméros. “It paves the way for Military Police to work in accordance with NATO standards, procedures and policies on behalf of the Alliance’s emergent trust and close collaboration.”
