Montenegrins Being Dragooned Into NATO Against Their Wills

World Bulletin
December 11, 2013
Montenegrins against NATO membership
38 per cent for, 45 per cent against NATO integration, Center for Democracy and Human Rights reports
Montenegro’s membership in NATO is supported by 38 per cent of the population, 6 per cent more than in March of this year, while 45 per cent of citizens are against and 17 per cent of respondents have no opinion on the matter, according to the latest research by the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CDHR).
CDHR Chief methodologist Milos Besic recalled that in March the number of citizens who are against NATO integration was over 50 per cent.
“But, we definitely have a larger number of opponents than supporters for NATO integration even with the smaller number of undecided voters,” said Besic.
The survey showed that 54.6 per cent of respondents believe that the integration of Montenegro into NATO is an important issue, as Besic explained, and it shows the growing interest of the citizens in this topic.
About 57 per cent of citizens believe that Montenegro’s integration into NATO will contribute to the development of relations with the United States (US) and the European Union (EU), while 52.6 per cent of respondents believe that it will contribute to peace and stability in Montenegro.
Citizens believe that NATO integration will make a negative impact on relations between Montenegro, Serbia and Russia.
