China Angered By U.S. Violations Of Air Defense Zone

December 3, 2013
China angered by U.S. violations of expanded air defense identification zone
MOSCOW: China has warned the United States that it must stop violating its air defense identification zone, which was expanded recently, said Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui.
“The Chinese foreign and defense ministries have strongly warned the United States that it must fix its mistakes immediately and cut inappropriate rhetoric short,” the Chinese ambassador said at a press conference at Interfax on Tuesday.
“We did that [created a special air defense identification zone], because the American side, disregarding the limits of our airspace, continues flights over it,” the Chinese diplomat said.
The Chinese Defense Ministry announced a week ago that it was installing a special air defense identification zone over the East China Sea in order to maintain the operation of the country’s air defense system. From now onwards, all aircraft set to fly over this zone are obliged to inform China in advance, to present the flight plan and to maintain communication with China’s corresponding agencies during the flyover.
The Defense Ministry also said that the zone included the disputed Senkaku Islands, also known as Diaoyutai Islands, a part of a territorial dispute between China and Japan.
The U.S. and Japan condemned this decision. Washington described this move as an attempt to change the status quo in the region and sent two unarmed B-52 bombers to the zone. Japanese and South Korean planes flew over the zone, too.
