Asian NATO: Georgian Troops Train Afghan Military

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
November 29, 2013
Georgian military train ANSF

Georgian military servicemen have actively engaged in training of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). The personnel of Batumi Separate Light Infantry Battalion Company “Lima” are training the soldiers of 215th Corps of ANSF. The Georgian soldiers are carrying out preparation of the Afghan troops together with Regional Corps Battle School (RCBS). Combat preparation is going on at the Afghan base “Shorabak”.
According to the training plan of RCBS American, British and Georgian instructors are giving trainings to the Afghan army in different military disciplines. During the few-months long obligatory courses the Afghan soldiers are trained in the following directions: combat skills for infantrymen, armament system, communications, topography, logistics, shooting, first medical aid and etc. The soldiers with good results are selected during the advanced courses to become instructors in future to prepare ANSF with their own resources. Besides that the Georgian military servicemen are insuring security of instructors and the military field hospital.
RCBS has been operating since September 16 2013 officially. The negotiations on cooperation in security field between the defence ministries of Georgia and Afghanistan was held in September after which the Georgian military personnel launched preparation of ANSF.
