Washington: Pentagon Guides Georgia Into NATO

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
November 23, 2013
Visit of Deputy Defence Minister of Georgia Mikheil Darchiashvili to Washington DC

Deputy Defence Minister Mikheil Darchiashvili pays a two-day official visit to Washington DC. He held a meeting with Dr. Evelyn N. Farkas, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia. Issues of bilateral defense cooperation were at the core of the discussion with Dr. Farkas.
At the meeting Deputy Defence Minister highlighted the ongoing reform in the defence sphere, stressed commitment of Georgian Government to progress on its path to modernization and development, including in the framework of Georgia-NATO cooperation.
Mikheil Darchiashvili has an intensive program of meetings in the US Congress. He has already met with Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Ranking Member of European Affairs Subcommittee, U.S. Committee on Foreign Relations; Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), Ranking Member of House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), and Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA). He also met with the key congressional staffers, both in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
Discussions in the U.S. Congress were focused on Georgia’s foreign and defence policy priorities, Georgia-U.S. strategic partnership and contribution to global security. Successful conduct of last Presidential elections in Georgia has been duly acknowledged and there is a strong support in the U.S. Congress toward Georgia’s further democratic consolidation, its European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. Deputy Defence Minister Darchiashvili also spoke about the role of Georgian military forces in the post-ISAF Afghanistan and country’s unwavering commitment to continue its contribution to international peace and security.
Mikheil Darchiashvili participates in Halifax International Security Forum held on November 22-24. Within the visit to Canada, Deputy Defence Minister will hold bilateral meetings with his Canadian counterpart and the officials of Defence Ministry of Israel. Mikheil Darchiashvili will also meet with Ambassador Alexander Vershbow, Deputy Secretary General of NATO.
