
The UK Agrees To Pardon Dead Gay People, But NOT Living Gay People-- What About Gay Zombies?

Here in America, Republican closet case-- door half ajar-- is back on Instagram. "After relinquishing his seat, Schock’s once very active social media accounts went completely dark. He stopped posting daily updates about his life on Twitter or sharing half-naked pictures of himself on Instagram.

Superbowl & Grammy’s: Black Magic Helter Skelter Race War w/Illuminatiwatcher

In this free first hour interview of Esoteric Hollywood, Isaac Weishaupt of Iluminatiwatcher.com joins myself and Jamie Hanshaw to discuss the recent mega-ritual social engineering events known as the Superbowl and the Grammy’s.  Delving into the esoteric side, we begin analyzing the alchemical and occultic notions of inversion and its relation to the multi-cultural program of monoculture dissolution.  Highlighting the promotion of globalism and French Revolutionary illuminism in Coldplay, we look at Beyoncé’s “Church of Bey,” the agitprop of #bla

Parasitic Fly Turns Honeybees into Flying “Zombies”

Just in time for the season premiere of “The Walking Dead,” researchers have announced that zombie bees have been spotted in some Eastern states. They’re not going to eat anyone’s brain (sorry?), but there could be a connection between the mindless creatures and honey bees that have been abandoning their hives in disturbing numbers.

Republicans Still Eager To Shred The Social Safety Net

A few weeks ago Blue America endorsed Eric Kingson, co-founder of Social Security Works, for the Syracuse-based congressional seat (NY-24), just a few weeks after GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush started espousing raising the retirement age and a few weeks before he started calling for a phasing out of Medicare and an end to the American social safety net-- i.e., the Paul Ryan plan.

Zombie Apocalypse and the Politics of Artificial Scarcity

Dystopian narratives have long been an alluring and thought-provoking form of entertainment, especially for those who take an interest in studying social and political structures. From classics like Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World to the current hit, The Hunger Games, these stories play on our fears while simultaneously serving as warning signs for the future.