
Top 10 Virus Outbreak Movies for QUARANTINE!

From V for Vendetta to Omega Man, you’ve probably forgotten which are the most relevant outbreak movies. Which have the most predictive aspects, and which are the best as quality films? In this video I Gove my top 10 slash 11, slash 12 slash 14 or so, and guide you through the revelations and propaganda. Snuggle up to Quarantinqua and grab some decontamination donut powder and a handful of Gwyneth Paltrow’s GOOP.

Cannibalism and Cloned Meat: Why is the Establishment Promoting Total Degeneracy? – Jay Dyer

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR Tonight the Social Reject Club is hashing out some Second Amendment political Jackassery, Dawkin’s ‘taboos of cannibalism’, a Rabbi’s claim that Pork is Kosher (as long as its cloned), Gremlins 2 as a metaphor for monopolistic globoculture (what could possibly go wrong?!), The Omega Man, Soylent Green gone main stream, Denis Rodman, Trump and the North Korean summit with Kim Jong-un.