Zionists wars on Gaza

sharing call-out: Trapped Palestinian medical staff and ISM volunteers need your help #Gaza

Source: ISM call-out
“At 19:00 Beit Hanoun Hospital was hit by an Israeli tank shell. Inside the hospital are 61 medical staff, civilians, three patients and two ISM volunteers, Charlie Andreasson and Fred Ekblad, both from Sweden, who are all trapped inside.
Israeli soldiers are close to the hospital. Gunfire can be heard in the area. A thick smoke is rolling into the hospital.

Gaza updates, medical sector on death-bed

From ISM: As Israel targets the wounded, international volunteers to stay at al-Shifa hospital
“…six out of Gaza’s 13 hospitals have already been severely damaged. One, el-Wafa rehabilitation hospital, has been completely destroyed.  Two medical clinic and 12 ambulances have been completely destroyed, seven other clinics have been damaged, 12 medical staff members have been injured, and four have been killed.

the noble Mads Gilbert: Dr Mads Gilbert Doctor in Gaza from Norway Exposes & Slams Israel America & UK!

He highlights the current dire situation all around and in the hospitals, and he says what I always say: “Palestinian Samoud (resilience) is endless.  Their bravery is unending.  I don’t meet revenge feelings among the Palestinians, I meet people who say ‘let us have peace, we have the right to defend ourselves but we want peace…’ And to get peace, there must be a willingness from ‘Israel’ to talk without preconditions….”