Zionists wars on Gaza

open calls for Genocide, hospitals destroyed,shut down… ‘israel’ is ‘defending’ its intent to genocide

Electronic Intifada: “Concentrate” and “exterminate”: Israel parliament deputy speaker’s Gaza genocide plan:
“Moshe Feiglin, the deputy speaker of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, has published a plan for the total destruction of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
His detailed plan, which calls for the use of concentration camps, amounts to direct and public incitement to genocide – a punishable crime under the Genocide Convention.

opposing Zionism in all it’s forms, including amongst Canadian “leaders”

“Today, the state of “israel” is every bit the terrorist state that Irgun and the Stern Gang killed to bring into existence.
Zionism isn’t about self-determination, Zionism is about colonialism, imperialism and ethnic cleaning. Never let them lie to you. Never let people make you feel ashamed for being an anti-Zionist or for opposing Zionism.”


all of you “unknown”… you are known and your murders will be known, you are loved, you are the Palestinian Samoud and evidence of the Zionist genocide.
you are not but numbers. each and every one of you were vibrant people…i shudder to think that i encountered you in a taxi, a market, a cafe and now you are lifeless.
my Gaza families, i can’t get ahold of you, i get the standard “Jawaal marhaba”. You’re unknown to me, and it’s killing me.