Zionists wars on Gaza

Gaza updates & a focus on the ISIS virus in Syria and Iraq

How ISIS Finally Became Obama’s Enemy:
“Suddenly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has become a threat worthy of American missiles. For almost two years President Obama completely ignored the biggest and most brutal terror group in the Middle East, allowing it to balloon into a regional power. No matter how many heads it severed or how much territory it conquered, ISIS just couldn’t draw Obama’s attention.

latest readings on the Gaza Genocide, how the Zionists benefit from bombings, the mentality of the Zionist state’s public

Israeli arms producers profit from Gaza’s pain:
“As Palestinians in the Gaza Strip begin to pick up the pieces during an uneasy ceasefire agreed between the Israeli government and Hamas following a month of airstrikes and ground operations that killed almost 2,000 Palestinians, Israeli weapons manufacturers are celebrating the business opportunities the war will bring them.

“Not in Our Name” action

For Canadians. This website gives an easy way to find your MP and a send a letter to them, CCing the bigwigs. Here’s my modified version. My MP is a decent man, so while my utter dismay at Harper, Mulcair, Trudeau and May’s stances remains, I toned down the form letter as I want to allow Mr. Chong a chance to consider and make a public statement on Gaza first.
The modified letter (original is HERE):
Dear Michael Chong,

solidarity, in the community

So i live in a very small community, two neighbouring towns with a combined population under 30,000, many of whose families have lived here for generations. Not very diverse, and many are not very politically aware.
This morning a friend of mine, a teacher in my town, and i went to a park in the neighbouring town where every Saturday there is a farmer’s market.